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Archive for December, 2012

December 5, 2012

Wednesdays with Handmade Charlotte: 6 Handmade Craft Projects For The Holidays

Happy holidays and happy December! We found 6 great holiday craft projects that you can make just in time for Christmas. Everyone of the tutorials has well laid out instructions and is as jolly as Santa Claus himself.

Send in photos of your holiday projects. We’d love too see them!

DIY Free Printable Photo Ornaments from Handmade Charlotte

DIY Hand Painted Ornaments from DIY or DIE

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December 5, 2012

Web Wednesday: Christmas Photo Holder with Mod Podge

Mod Podge + Christmas = Great Holiday Crafts! A must have item for any crafter this Christmas is Mod Podge. The possibilities are endless of what you can make. If you look around the web and Pinterest you’ll find several Mod Podge Christmas crafts. There are so many unique projects out there, like this Christmas Photo Holder. Kadie from Seven Alive designed this project. She used a mixture of Mod Podge and FolkArt products. This is a great craft that the whole family can help make. In the project it uses some of our new rub on holiday words.

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December 4, 2012

Tuesday Tutorial: Metallic Ornate Snowflake Gift Tags

Make each of your gifts into something special with these beautiful gift tags. These ornaments were made using FolkArt Metallic Paints, wood circles, and FolkArt stencils. Plaid’s FolkArt Metallic Paints come in traditional and trendy colors. These gift tags can also be used as ornaments, holiday coasters, or use them as an extra embellishment on any holiday craft project. In addition to written instructions on how to make this project, we have created a step by step video on how to make these gift tags. Watch the video video to learn how to create these easy elegant ornaments. All the materials you will need for these tags are below, and the complete written instructions are here.

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Tags: , folkart metallic paints, gift tags, , , ,
December 3, 2012

Plaid’s Pin It To Win It 12 Days of Christmas Contest

When was the last time you made a Christmas wish list? We bet it’s been awhile, so this holiday season we want to spread some Christmas cheer. We want you to create a Christmas Craft Wish List. Show us what you like for a chance to win 12 Plaid Craft products.

Here’s How To Enter

  1. Follow us on , username: plaidcrafts
  2. Create a Pinterest board named “Christmas Craft Wish List”
  3. Choose and pin 12 products from Shop.PlaidOnline.com that you want to create craft projects with. Tag each product with #Plaidonline.com #ChristmasCraftWishList in the Pinterest comment field.
  4. Once your finished, email us the link to your board at to officially enter the contest.

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Tags: christmas contest, , pinterest, ,
December 3, 2012

Make It Monday: SANTA Candleholders

Is one of your favorite things about the holidays Santa Claus? Be honest. Whether your 5 or 65 years old people of all ages love Santa. If you are looking for a new and creative way to celebrate Santa then make these Santa Candleholders. Kindra Boroff designed this project using FolkArt Enamel and Extreme Glitter paints. This project makes a wonderful centerpiece on your holiday table, or place on top of a fireplace. This eye-catching craft is not for a beginner crafter. This is perfect for an intermediate or advanced level crafter. To see all the supplies you will need, along with the complete instructions see below.

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December 1, 2012

Scene It Saturday: Easy, Elegant Stenciled Ornaments

Tis the season to create beautiful Christmas ornaments. Ornaments are a must have holiday item and they can be used in many ways aside from hanging on a tree. Use these ornaments and create gift bag tags, coasters, or use as extra embellishment on a craft project. Watch this video to learn how to create these easy elegant ornaments. These ornaments were made using FolkArt Metallic Paints, wood disks, and FolkArt stencils. Plaid’s FolkArt Metallic Paints come in traditional and trendy colors. You can view this video below or on our . To see even more ornaments by Plaid click here.

Tags: , folkart metallic paints, , , ,