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Tuesday Tutorial: Witches Candle Cauldrons

Double double toil and trouble! Get ready for some Halloween fun with this Witches Candle Cauldron project. Designed by Kindra Boroff these cauldrons would look great on your front porch, or as the centerpiece of a scary table. This project was created using FolkArt Enamels, Martha Stewart Stencils, and FolkArt Extreme Glitter. All the supplies you will need for this project can be found below, along with their instructions.


FolkArt Enamel Paint-4032 Licorice, 4119 Yellow Citron

FolkArt Extreme Glitter-2797 Black

Martha Stewart Adhesive Stencils-32307 Typewriter, 32304 Holiday Icons II

Spouncer value pack-28872

Other Supplies

Spray primer, Foam paintbrush, 4 wood oval disks, Hot glue, Craft knife 7/8” dowel rod, 4” round wood plaque, 5×7 oval wood plaque, 4-wood screws, drill, Philips screwdriver,  ¾” masking tape, Black felt, 5/8” Purple satin ribbon, 3/16” rhinestone chain, Hot glue, Glass vase, ½ yd. black tulle, scissors, 1” flat brush.


  1. Cut two dowel rods for each candle holder. For the larger cut 12” and for the smaller cut 9” dowel rods.
  2. Drill two holes in the round plaque and the oval plaque where you would screw the dowel rods to the plaques. Attach the dowel rods to the plaques with screws.
  3. Base-coat the oval and round plaque with Licorice. Paint the dowel rods with Yellow Citron.
  4. When dry tape off ¾” stripes on the dowel rod and paint with Licorice. When dry spounce a few coats of Black Extreme Glitter.
  5. Cut the shoes from the black felt using the pattern. Hot glue the fronts and toes of the felt shoes and attach. Apply a strip of hot glue to the bottom of the heel and attach around the dowel rod. Glue the back of the heels together. Hot glue a purple bow to the shoes as shown.
  6. Cut the tulle in half. Fold the cut piece in half and glue around the round plaque creating a ruffle look. Hot glue purple ribbon over the black tulle. Add the rhinestone chain.
  7. Stencil the spiders or the bats and words on the glass vase as shown with Licorice.
  8. Hot glue the rhinestone chain to the top of the vase.
  9. Hot glue the vase to candlesticks.

4 Responses to “Tuesday Tutorial: Witches Candle Cauldrons”

  1. Where do you get the pattern for the shoes for the Wtiches Candle Cauldron

  2. What a awesome project….I love it…..where did you get the pattern for the shoes?…..tfs


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