Archive for ‘Stencils & Stamps’

March 29, 2012

Teaching Thursday: Repurposed Lampshade

Have you done any spring-cleaning yet? How about some spring decorating? Spring is a great time to clean up, and start fresh. Perhaps there is a room in your home you need to organize. Or you have been looking forward to adding new decorations to your room. Here is a project that can bring new life to any room in your home. A repurposed lampshade is a great spring project. Kindra Boroff, a designer here at Plaid, created this one. This is an intermediate project that will take 2 or more hours to complete. If you are like me, I often have a hard time finding the exact type of lampshade I picture in my mind, well here is a solution. Create your own lampshade. Use this exact design, or use it as inspiration to create whatever you envision.

Plaid Supplies

FolkArt Acrylic Paint- 938 Licorice, 424 Light Gray, 2551 Moon Yellow

FolkArt Painting Stencils-30599 Debbie Floral

Simply Stencil Value Packs-30502 7×10 Stencil blank

Plaid Brush  Set- 250534 Learn To Paint Set

Plaid Spouncer-1528 Medium Spouncer Set

Other Supplies

Medium white lampshade, Masking tape, Xacto knife


  1. Cut the zebra print stencil using the provided pattern or create your own.
  2. Stencil the zebra print to the lampshade with Light Gray.
  3. Stencil the large flower onto the lampshade with Moon Yellow.
  4. Using Licorice and the liner brush outline the flowers. With Licorice add polka dots and paint the top and bottom trim.
February 23, 2012

Technique Thursday: Letter Stenciling with Martha Stewart Paint

We here at Plaid produce several craft products as you already know, but we also love to help crafters at all skill levels learn and understand how to use different craft techniques. Today we would like to show you how to perform letter stenciling. Stenciling with letters is a very traditional technique that has been used for many years. It is a great way to decorate any surface, and add something extra to any craft project.

Plan the spacing of letters before painting in stencils.

Create a tracing paper template for correct type alignment. For straight lines of type, use a straight edge or level and pencil to draw a guide line. For curved lines following an oval edge, place the oval object on tracing paper and trace a line following the outside curve with a pencil. Then place the tracing paper on top of your surface and position the curved line where you want the type. For circular lines, position a nail or thumbtack at the center of the circle. Loop string around the nail, tie the other end to a pencil, and draw a circle or arc. Place paper template as guide on surface; slip stencil between template and surface, align stencil and tape in place.

Line up the first letter and hold it in place with tape. Mark the registration with pencil. Paint the first letter, then remove stencil. Let dry. Use the registration mark and guide line to place the second stencil. Repeat the process for each letter. Once the paint is dry, erase any guide marks.

Tags: craft letter stenciling, , martha stewart stencils, , ,
December 28, 2011

Web Wednesday: Winter Gift Boxes

The holidays might be over, but the winter season is just getting started. Depending on where you live, your winter maybe colder than others. One thing I need to work on this season is storing my winter accessories in a better way. I usually always end up loosing a glove or mitten. If I had one dedicated place to store them I am sure I would be able to keep better track of them. That’s why I love this winter gift box. This gift box can be used to give a gift, but it can also be a place where you store your winter accessories. This winter gift box was created by, Holli Long. Click here to learn how to make this project.

December 22, 2011

Teaching Thursdays: Santa Hat Topiaries

By Sherrie Ragsdale:

Looking for an inexpensive Christmas table centerpiece? Well here is a great project to create. These Santa Hat Topiaries are a great holiday decor to add anywhere in your home. This project was created by our designer, Sherrie Ragsdale. Majority of the supplies used for this craft can be found at your local dollar store. See below all the supplies needed, and the step by step instructions to follow. So cute and so amazing!

Plaid Supplies:

4001 Folkart Enamel Wicker White

4133 Folkart Enamel Lipstick Red

901 Folkart Acrylic Wicker White

437 Folkart Acrylic Lipstick Red

4405 Folkart Fabric Engine red

28821 Plaid circle 8×10 circle stencil

30464 Plaid Peel and Stick Painting Blank Stencil

30666 Plaid Peel and Stick Painting Stencil

Plaid Dauber Set

Other Supplies:

Three glass vases, Three santa hats, Three 1/2 inch x 12 inches dowel, Two 3-7/8in x 8-7/8in, One 4-7/8in x 12-7/8in, Quilt Batting, Polyfil, Candy Canes, Scrap pieces of Styrofoam, Pencil, Ruler, Hot glue, Sewing Machine, Scissors, 1/4″ masking tape, Craft Knife


1.  Using the circle stencil, cut out a circle from the adhesive stencil sheet with a craft knife for each vase.

2.  Place in the center of the glass vases.

3.  Using the 5/8″ dauber, paint the circle with the enamel lipstick red.

4.  Remove the circle stencil.

5.  Stencil “HO” on each of the vases in the center of the red circle.

6.  Fill in the letters where the line is broken with a liner brush.

7.  Base-coat the dowels with wicker white.

8.  Wrap the 1/4″ masking tape around the dowels as shown in photo.

9.  Using the dauber, paint the dowels with acrylic lipstick red.

10.  Remove the tape.

11.  Cut the trim off hat.

12.  Measure the topiaries and the sew the sides of the hat to fit snug around the cones.  You can also hot glue it.

13.  Trim the excess fabric.

14.  Cut the trim and open up flat.

15.  Measure the cones and cut a piece of quilt batting to wrap around cone.  Hot glue in place.

16.  Using the circle stencil make large circles using Folkart fabric red lipstick on the center hat and smaller dots on the smaller hat.  Hot glue white trim and cut.

17.  Cut the a piece of styrofoam from scraps and glue to the bottom with hot glue.

18.  Stick dowels into the bottoms of cones.

Tags: centerpieces, , , , , santa hat topiaries
December 20, 2011

Tuesday Tutorial: Joy Bottle holders

By: Sherrie Ragsdale


FA Enamels: 4035 Metallic Silver Sterling, 4002 Warm White, 4039 Calypso Sky, 2799 Glitter Silver

2790 FA Extreme Glitter Turquoise

30470 Plaid FA Peel and Stick Painting Stencils

Other Supplies:

Three re-purposed bottles, Three clear glass disc ornaments, 1/4″ dauber, 5/8″ dauber, Masking tape, Liner brush, 1/8″ silver ribbon


Here is the before photo.

1.Tape off the bottle with masking tape to make random stripes.

2.  Using the 5/8″ dauber, paint the stripes with metallic silver sterling.

3.  Add a calypso sky stripe.

4.  Add a warm white stripe.

5.  Remove tape.

6.  Add silver extreme glitter to the silver stripes.

7.  Add the snowflake adhesive stencil and stencil in warm white using the 1/4″ dauber.

8.  Stencil small snowflakes in calypso sky.

9.  Add dots using calypso sky with the end of a paint brush.

10.  Fill the ornament with the extreme glitter turquoise.  Shake until the inside of ornament if covered.  Add more if needed.

11.  This is the ornament completely filled.  Set up side down and allow to excess to drain out.

12.  Paint “JOY” on ornaments in warm white upside down.

13.  Tie a 1/8″ silver ribbon to the top of bottles.

14.  Place the ornament holder back into the ornament and place in bottles.

December 12, 2011

Month of Martha Giveaway. (XMAS Edition) Enter Today! – Week #2

It’s the second week of our Month of Martha giveaway. We here at Plaid are spreading some holiday cheer. Every week for a month, we will hold a giveaway, that will have a different prize from the new line up for grabs. You can find the entire line of Martha Stewart craft products available at Michaels, and Plaid’s website. Every Monday at noon we will announce a new giveaway prize, and announce the winner(s) of that week’s prize on Friday afternoon. This week’s giveaway will include, an assortment of glitter paint colors, a stencil brush set (includes 6 brushes), and a stencil scroll pack. We are giving away this amazing kit to 1 lucky Paint Me Plaid blog reader. Don’t forget to subscribe to Paint Me Plaid so that you always are alerted about our giveaways.

A assortment of glitter paints

Stencil Brush Set

Stencil Scroll Set

All you have to do is leave a comment below telling us what you would use these products to create? For extra entries (leave a separate comment for each):

Check out our sister blog, Plaid Kid’s Crafts, and let us know a project you find there that you think is cool

Like and let us know you entered the giveaway

Follow on and let us know you entered the giveaway

The contest will end Friday December 16th, 2011 at 12 noon EST.

Tags: , glitter paint, , martha stewart paint brushes, xmas craft giveaways
November 25, 2011

Freelance Friday: Holiday Stenciled Sign

Signs are one of the most popular kinds of crafts that people tend to make. When you create a sign you can be as creative as you like. You can make a sign that is small, or one that covers an entire wall. Take for instance this sign from one of our favorite craft blogs, Tatertots and Jello. This sign was created using stencils and paints from the Martha Stewart craft line, available at Michaels. Would you like to re-create this project? Click here to see all the materials used, and to find step by step instructions. Do you plan to create a sign celebrating the holidays season?

Tags: , Freelance Friday, , , martha stewart acrylic paint, martha stewart craft line,
November 11, 2011

Freelance Friday: Chic Stenciled Frame

Wood frames are one of the most popular surfaces to craft with. Frames are always needed, regardless of the time of year. We all love storing our pictures in some unique frame design. Instead of buying a unique frame, why not try creating your own. This is exactly what Jennie did over at . Jennie created this chic stenciled frame, using some of Plaid’s new stencils from our Easy to Paint Line. Click to see the before and after pictures, and learn how to make your own chic stenciled frame.

Tags: design, easy to paint, , frames, Freelance Friday, , , , walmart
November 10, 2011

Teaching Thursdays: Give Thanks Decor

Give Thanks Decor by  Kindra Boroff

Giving thanks is something that we should all do on an everyday basis. There are several reasons to be thankful everyday. I know that it can be very easy to forget to give thanks for the wonderful things in our lives, so here’s a craft that maybe able to help. Here is a great up-cycle craft to make just in time for the Thanksgiving holiday. This is a beginner skill level craft, and it takes between 1 hour to 1 ½ hours to complete.

Plaid Supplies

FolkArt Acrylic Paint: 938 Licorice, 649 Warm White

Plaid Stencil Accessories: 1533 ¾” Spouncer

Plaid Stencil Letter Value Pack: 28872 2” Genie

Other Supplies

6 glass root beer bottles, Masking tape, Twine, Plaid fabric, Dried fall florals, Scissors, & Dowel rods


  1. Remove the labels and the adhesive from the bottles. Nail Polish remover or rubbing alcohol will remove the adhesive.
  2. Using the stencil and Warm White, paint the letters to the bottle as shown.
  3. Cut 3” x 4 ½” flags from the plaid fabric.  Stencil the letters using Licorice.
  4. Cut small slits at the top of each flag on the sides. String the twine through the fabric to create a banner. Tie the twine to the dowel rods.
  5. Fill each bottle with some dried florals and grass. Stick the dowel rods in the bottles on each end.

October 28, 2011

The Winner of our FolkArt Giveaway Is…

Lindy from

She is the winner of our FolkArt Giveaway. The prize pack includes, 1 Large Fleur Motif FolkArt Stencil, 1 Alphabet Peel and Stick Stencil Sheet, and a 32 color FolkArt value pack paint set. This paint set includes metallic and glitter FolkArt colors.

Felur Motif Stencil

Alphabet Peel and Stick Stencil Sheet

FolkArt 32 paint color value pack

Thanks to everyone that participated and entered this giveaway. If you were not the winner this time, don’t worry we have another great giveaway coming up very soon. Be sure to check back daily on Paint Me Plaid, so you don’t miss your chance to enter.

Tags: , easy to paint stencils, , folkart peel and stick stencils, giveaways,