Archive for ‘Designers’

March 8, 2012

Teaching Thursdays: Painted Eggs

By: Candie Cooper – Visit Candie’s blog, Candie Cooper’s Journal

I don’t know about you, but this girl has SPRING FEVER! From spending time outdoors to crafting, I’ve got a bad case of it. There are bits of pastel colors showing up in all my craft projects including these pretty painted Easter eggs.

For one egg, you will need a light and dark color of Folk Art paint plus the same color of Extreme Glitter. For this egg, I’m using Folk Art Teal and Jamaican Sea with Aqua Extreme Glitter. You will also need a paper mache egg, hot glue, ribbon, scrapbook embellishments, paintbrush, and a spouncer (found in the stencil section of a craft store).

Base-coat the egg in the light color and leave to dry. Don’t forget my favorite hair dryer trick to dry paint super fast! Place a dot of the darker paint on a pallet (see fancy resealable bag in background). Dip the spouncer tip into the paint and blog some off on the side. It’s now ready to make polka dots on the egg.

Once the polka dots are dry, you can apply a coat of Extreme Glitter and leave to dry. A plastic water bottle cap is a perfect prop to set eggs on while they dry.

The scrapbook section of the craft store is a good place to find embellishments for the tops of eggs. You could also make your own with ribbon bows or stickers.

Hot glue a piece or ribbon or lace around the egg followed by the flower embellishment. Finally, a use for all those pretty tiny ribbon scraps, right?

Put all your eggs in one basket or hide them one by one!


November 19, 2011

Two New Craft Videos and A Contest

In your downtime this weekend check out these two new craft how to videos. One video is from Plaid Craft TV’s hosts, Cathie Filian and Steve Piacenza. Watch their video to learn how to make a Birthday Chalkboard using FolkArt craft paint.

The second video we want to share with you is from, Ana, with When Creativity Knocks. In this video watch to learn how to create Plaid Nautical Ornaments using paint from the Martha Stewart craft line.

Also we want to remind you all of our Crafty Christmas Contest. We’d like to see your best Christmas or winter holiday projects. Send us a photo of your favorite Christmas creation which uses at least one Plaid product. Beginning November 18 and for the next 5 Festive Fridays–Plaid staff will select their favorite project of the week and award a $50-value basket of Plaid products.  After week 5, we’ll select a grand prize winner from the previous weekly winners. The winner will be awarded $100 and even more products from Plaid! To see all contest details, and to enter click, here.

Tags: contest, craft lessons, craft tutorials, , plaid contest, , when creativity knocks
October 15, 2011

Watch These New Plaid Craft TV Videos

Did you know that Plaid has a channel on YouTube. Our channel is called, . On this channel you will find helpful craft tutorials from crafting gurus, . You will also find information about new Plaid products. Please take a look at some of our latest videos, and feel free to leave comments. We would love to know what you think of them, and if there is a video you would like us to create.

Watch this video to see how mod podge transformed a dollar store mirror, into a great gift!

See what happened at a live in store event at Michaels, featuring Cathie and Steve.

Watch this video to learn about our new Simply Screen Custom Silk Screen Kit.

Tags: , craft tutorials, , plaid craft tv, plaid crafts channel, , , Simply Screen, youtube
September 27, 2011

Michaels In Store Event Recap

Last Friday we attended a special in store event, for Michael’s Reward Members. This in store event was a huge success. It featured Cathie Filian and Steve Piacenza, along with Mod Podge Rocks, Amy Anderson. Cathie and Steve did a live Q&A with members, that was also live streamed to viewers online. Afterwards, all three craft celebrities assisted the crowd with making some craft projects. All attendees had the opportunity to select from three craft projects to make. They could make one, or all three projects. Everyone there has lots of fun. We even did several giveaways, of  Mod Podge filled gift baskets. We will be posting some video of the event later on this week, so be sure to check back to see it. Hopefully we will see you next time, at the next Michaels in store event.

Cathie Filian & Steve Piacenza

Cathie and Steve pose with “Grandma Betty.” She drove over 80 miles to attend this event. She was so sweet, and very excited to be there.

Attendees focused on creating their crafts, at the Make and Take tables.

Attendees could make this stencil project.

Another craft option to make, was to paint a notebook cover.

Or they could make a frame using Mod Podge. Amy Anderson, from Mod Podge Rocks made these.

A few lucky attendees left the event, with this fabulous Mod Podge gift basket.

So many people attended, that the staff at Michaels even had to add additional tables to accommodate everyone.

Tags: amy anderson, , cathie filian, , , michaels in store event, , , , steve piacenza
November 10, 2010

Salon des Arts Décoratifs in Quebec

decorative painting

Belinda Harris, Consumer Affairs Manager at Plaid, was recently in Quebec teaching and exhibiting at Salon des Arts Décoratifs This annual decorative painting expo is a hotbed of painting classes, exhibits, shows and contests.  Belinda said the event started off with a bang, “Wow, Canadians are starving to learn to paint.  There were over 800 people waiting in the hall ways, lobby and out the front door of the hotel to get into the showroom.”

 glass painting

In Belinda’s Tableau 3-D Dimensional Glass Painting class pictured above, 21 students paint on three stacked panes of glass with FolkArt Enamels. Belinda says that painters in the Montreal area are very enthusiastic, since most of the year there is snow!

tapestry painting

This class was “Tranquil Lighthouse at the Shore Tapestry Bell Pull”, where Belinda taught everyone how to paint a lighthouse and beach scene with FolkArt HD Paint on Roc-lon cloth. The class sessions are taught in French, so Belinda had an interpreter.

Belinda noted that Canadian style is more of a fine art look, “They paint on wood, ceramics, tin, fabric and much more.  Texture, antiquing, stenciling using texture, glimmer, crackling and decoupage with painting on top are the hottest trends…..texture, texture, texture.”

Tags: art exhibit, art in canada, Belinda Harris, Canada, canvas painting, decorative painting canada, , , painting classes, , Salon des Arts Décoratifs, Salon des Arts Décoratifs in Quebec, tapestry painting, texture painting
November 4, 2010

VIDEO: Paint a Better Birdhouse with Candie Cooper

by Jacki Schklar

painted birdhouse project

Sometimes working around all these craft products and projects will put you into a crafting frenzy, I tell you! Part of my job at Plaid is to assist with producing videos. After editing this video, it was just too much for me to resist.  So that very day, I started my own birdhouse painting project. I followed most of Candie’s instructions, but used some Red Extreme Glitter dry brushed on the roof instead of the Outdoor FolkArt Metallics  that she has used. And mine is for my 6 year old nephew, so I added a dinosaur instead of a bird. The dinosaur has green paint with just a little Emerald Green Extreme Gliter mixed in for a bit of glimmer. I occasionally mix Extreme Glitter right into FolkArt Acrylics, more or less glitter depending on the desired effect. Now my nephew, Ari, will be the only kid on his block with a painted dinosaur birdhouse!


Tags: Candie Cooper, Craft Project Ideas, DIY Birdhouse, outdoor paint, Paint craft, Painted Birdhouse,
October 22, 2010

Interview with Pinky from Much Ado About Nothing

I had the pleasure of “meeting” Pinky from online a few months ago.  She began sharing projects with me that use Plaid product via e-mail.  She’s known as “Pinky” for obvious reasons, and her hair is so fabulous that I remember seeing her at Summer CHA in Chicago.  I wish I would have walked up to her and introduced myself!  I was drawn to her funky style and use of glitter immediately – then I realized she’s particularly talented at incorporating paint into paper crafts.  I’m always looking forward to what Pinky comes up with next, and I think you’ll be intrigued as well.  I had the pleasure of conducting an interview with Pinky, and, like her projects, she didn’t disappoint.

What made you want to be a crafter and designer?  I have been told I was always “crafty” but I wanted to become a designer because crafting speaks to me. I wanted to show people that ANYONE can create, and EVERY project is beautiful because it is made from the heart.   What is more beautiful than someone who cares enough to hand make a project?  I wanted people who don’t craft (or even the ones who do) to see that crafting is more than just paper and glue, it is a personal expression, an art, and art is amazing.

What inspires you – how do you decide what to make?  Generally speaking, my emotions inspire me; I create the most when I am full of emotion whether it be happiness, sadness or anger.  The more emotion I feel the more creative I am.

What is your studio or workspace like, and how do you work in your studio?  I am so blessed to have a wonderful room with bay windows, lots of light and two ceiling fans; it is one reason we bought this house. The room itself is a converted garage, but all the work was done in a light, airy southern style.  It’s my own private heaven.

How would you describe and think of your style, what kind of crafts do you make and what type of materials do you prefer?  My style is all over the place, from vintage shabby chic to trendy and bold.  The comment I hear the most is BOLD with naturally conveyed emotion. I love, LOVE using fabric in any and all projects; if I can add a scrap of fabric, I will.  Believe or not, my other favorite material is cardboard.  There is something so naturally beautiful and textured in cardboard. I love peeling it, painting it, distressing it. It is the base for many of my projects.

My favorite crafting website is (and why): Would it sound narcissistic to say my blog?  Because I work so hard on it?  Ok, ok…probably not the best choice, let me see. . . . I don’t really surf one specific craft site, but I do like and Country Living.

What has been the most rewarding moment in your crafty career?  My most rewarding moments are when the average crafter e-mails or comes up to me and says “Your work spoke to me in so many ways, I completely feel what you are saying and my life has not been so easy either. . . thank you.”   I love it when someone shares their story with me and I can see I had an impact on their life, or when a non-crafter emails me and says “ I saw what you did and I decided to start crafting because your art touched me.”  Those are the most rewarding moments, the one-on-one connections when I know that speaking out and sharing my work is making a difference.

Looking back, knowing what you know now, is there anything that you would do differently (in your crafty career)?  A couple of things come to mind.  First of all, when I began crafting I would have ignored the people who repeatedly told me I had no talent and my work was awful.  I took it personally and I believed them. . . they were wrong.  Now I see that everything created has value, and I never let anyone under-value my time and work.  It did teach me to see the beauty in all art; it taught me to appreciate all levels of crafting, not just the professional pieces, but all pieces.  It taught me that my work stands by itself.  Anyone who tries to tell me otherwise is probably having some issues of their own and it is no reflection of my work.

Secondly, I would have been more confident in my own way of creating.  I create with such emotion, and when I began it really bothered some people.  I backed down many times, but what I found out was that my unique perspective on crafting is what makes me stand apart from the rest.  My unfaltering voice is what draws people to my crafting and makes it special.

What new directions do you hope to move in the future?  Do you have big plans, new ideas or designs you will be exploring soon?  I am hoping to move more towards the in-house designing and teaching side of crafting.  My plans are (or should I say dreams): to travel and be paid to teach and design, as well as get with a graphic designer and scrapbook company to create my own line of paper and embellishments.  I have so many ideas in this crazy head that are unique and I know the modern crafter looks for.  Maybe one day.  A girl can dream, right?  I would also love to teach children and adult survivors of trauma how to use crafting/scrapbooking to express their emotion.   This seems to come so naturally to me.  I would love to share it with others.

What is your biggest budget crafting tip?  Figure out what kind of crafting you are comfortable with.  If you are comfortable spending $50 on one project and really going all out, then save and do one at a time.  Have fun with it, accept it!  If you feel you need to save and make your crafts the most frugal way possible, then accept it and be frugal; work on using every last bit and scrap.  If you work within your comfort zone when crafting, then it won’t be stressful.  It will be fun!  It’s ok to spend $50 on one project if you can, and it’s ok to be frugal as well.  It’s all about YOU.

Thank you so much for the wonderful interview, Pinky.  Please visit Pinky at  for some fun Halloween crafts and all-around great ideas.  It’s very true that her heart comes out in her crafting.  You can help but want to join in the fun!

Tags: Pinky
October 21, 2010

Introducing Gallery Glass Class with Carol Smith

Looking to have some fun with Gallery Glass, but not sure where to find patterns or instruction?  We are very excited to introduce a new blog to the Plaid family – !  Carol Smith, our Vice President of Media Marketing, has begun this new blog to provide inspiration and community to those who love Gallery Glass.  As most of you know, Carol has worked with the product since its inception and is the perfect person to teach others how to use it!  Carol will be updating the blog regularly with patterns, pictures and more – she’ll even be offering kits for sale so that you can get all of the goodies to make a project in one place!

We hope you will join Carol as she begins her Gallery Glass blogging adventure.  Visit to see the blog and start some beautiful fall projects of your own.

October 14, 2010

Technique Thursday: Giving Life to Thrift Store Frames

I’m a HUGE fan of .  This family of four (one mom, three daughters) creates gorgeous paintings and mixed media art pieces with FolkArt and Mod Podge.  I love so many things about their work, including the special finishing touches like the frames that they use.  I was thrilled to find out that many of the frames and surfaces they use are thrift store finds, and I was even more tickled when I saw that they did a blog entry on how to find these treasures.  I’m feeling very inspired right now to head to the thrift store and get a shopping cart of frames.  If I don’t like them?  I can paint them.  Please visit for all the details on how the gals from TWW find their frames.  I guarantee you will want to drop everything you are doing to head to the Goodwill.

October 13, 2010

Blockhead Arts by the Numbers

by Jacki Schklar

I met mixed media and decoupage folk artist Marian Baker of Blockhead Arts at the Downtown Historic Norcross Art Fest last week as she was chatting with booth patrons about her inimitable craft pieces. I asked if I may contact her for a little more information for a story and Marian casually mentioned that there was some info posted about her being in the Stone Mountain Yellow Daisy Festival. Upon checking, Marian was the Yellow Daisy 2010 Featured Artist! She obviously remains modest about her increasing popularity.

Marian Baker Folk Art

Marian crafts with repurposed and recycled items to create decoupage pieces with distinctive character and a vintage feel. She starts with Mod Podge to secure book pages from typing manuals as a background. Next she adorns with items such as vintage trading and bingo cards as well as  found printed numbers. She then embellishes with craft paint. Marian uses a lot of FolkArt Acrylics and especially likes Skintone color seen in the face in the image below. She seals with melted beeswax mixed with tint for an antique feel.

Norcross GA Folk Art

The prevelant use of numbers a trademark of her pieces. Marian started this when she had eyed some shirts around town, which had numbers on them. But the clothes line is not available in her size. Frustrated about this, she decided that she can have number motifs in her life as much as she wants in her art. And now most of her pieces have numbers.

You can keep up with where Marian is exibiting work on , and you can buy her work on her -->Etsy page -->.

Blockhead Arts Decoupage

Tags: Blockhead Arts, decoupage, , Marian Baker, Paint craft, Recycling, Repurposed