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FolkArt Chunky Glitter and Crackle Medium Giveaway

Time to announce this week’s giveaway. Jump for joy and throw glitter in the air. This week we’re are giving away some great items you are sure to love. The items up for grabs are 2 FolkArt Chunk Glitter paints in Gold and Silver, along with a 4oz. bottle of FolkArt Crackle Medium. Wouldn’t you like to try out these items on your next craft project? We are giving away these items to 2 lucky Paint Me Plaid blog readers.


To enter this giveaway all you have to do is leave a comment below telling us what kind of project you would use these products to create. For extra entries (leave a separate comment for each):

Like and let us know you entered the giveaway

to Paint Me Plaid

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The contest will end Friday February 8th, 2013 at 12 noon EST.

Tags: chunky glitter, crackle medium, , ,

122 Comments to “FolkArt Chunky Glitter and Crackle Medium Giveaway”

  1. I love glitter!
    Pick me! :)

  2. Valentines projects!!

  3. I would take this to a voluteer craft organzation for elders here in town.

  4. glitter…glitter…did someone say “glitter”…can’t have too much glitter. glitz and glitter…that’s what a crafter lives for. Gots to have me some glitter. Projects just don’t pop when there’s no glitter. As a matter of fact, decorated some wine bottles with punched out glitter pieces. Glitter, Glitter, my kingdom for some (more) glitter.

  5. I am working on Easter, laundry room updates and a perpetual birthday reminder plaque. The FolkArt Chunky Glitter and Crackle Medium would make it SO much more fun! ♥ Plaid products.

  6. Working on Easter, laundry room updates and perpetual birthday reminder plaque. The FolkArt Chunky Glitter and Crackle Medium would make it SO much more fun! ♥ Plaid products.

    • Sorry for the above duplicate, it said server was busy so I retried. OOPS!

      I like Plaid on Facebook and let you know you entered the giveaway.

    • Sorry for the above duplicate, it said server was busy so I retried. OOPS!

      I like Plaid on Facebook and let you know you I entered the giveaway.

  7. Working on Easter, laundry room updates and perpetual birthday reminder plaque and the FolkArt Chunky Glitter and Crackle Medium would make it so much more fun! ♥ Plaid products.

  8. I “Like” Plaid on Facebook.

  9. I subscribe to Paint Me Plaid.

  10. I follow on Twitter.

  11. I have several cigar boxes I’ve been wanting to embellish and these products would be great for that type of project! Thanks for the chance to win!

  12. Perfect for my Valentine’s project!

  13. It would be great to use on scrapbook pages, cards or collages

  14. I am going to glass paint a mirror for my grand daughter. These would be lovely for the frame.

  15. I’d use these for more acrylic tumblers!!!

  16. I would use these to upcycle canes and walkers into something more fashionable! Those of us who need assistance need our bling somehow!!!!

  17. I would use this at the volunteer teaching I do at our church camp or at the Veteran Administration Medical Center.
    Using this product, would introduce something new to all our crafters and maybe open a window for them to create on their own. I provide all my own paints, brushes and products to teach or any that may be donated to me. I paint up sample and those that find interest come to me to paint the project. I love making Artists out of Non-painters.

  18. I would use this in an acrylic painting I’m currently painting.

  19. Salt dough hearts….

  20. I love this paint!

  21. uno scintillante candelabro per Natale

  22. It would be great for valentines gifts

  23. I’m a card maker and can think of countless uses for this product!

  24. I follow on twitter.

  25. I Like Plaid on Facebook

  26. I would use it to make decorations for my daughter’s fairy party.

  27. I like you on facebook

  28. Iam an email subscriber.

  29. I think projects for Easter and st patricks day.

  30. I will make something rustic or primitive to try the crackle medium! And the glitter on cards and pictures!

  31. There is always a place for glitter and crackle. It’s the best

  32. I would use it to finish my room, I have pictures I need to decorate, a couple of lamps and some wood boxes as well.

  33. I follow on twitter as

  34. I Subscribe to Paint Me Plaid

  35. I like you on FB and commented (from Maryann Drapkin)

  36. My daughter is an artist and paints, she might use these on glass jars to decorate.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  37. I follow paint me plaid on Twitter

  38. I subscribe to Paint me Plaid by email

  39. I like Paint me Plaid on Facebook

  40. I have some old picture frames that I would like to use the crackle medium on and the chunky glitter would be a great added touch to almost anything. With Easter coming, I know I would have alot of fun with it.

  41. Google Reader subscribe.

  42. I would use it on a wooden storage box

  43. I used up my crackle and some glittery paint making bird houses for a Christmas/Winter display. I would use these prizes to make bird houses for Valentines Day and Easter.

  44. Gotta love glitter. LOL Ohh the things I could make and paint

  45. I think this would be great for making a gratitude jar or box to hold small bits of paper that you write things you’re grateful for. Then at the end of the month or year, or whenever you’re feeling down you just pull one out and read it.

  46. I like you on Facebook.

  47. I’m working with my leftover wood pieces to create beautiful things, so these products will help!

  48. I’m working on using up all my wood scraps to make all kinds of wonderful things so these products will be perfect!

  49. I subscribe to Paint Me Plaid

  50. I like Paint Me Plain on Face Book!

  51. I have some wine bottles I have been painting. I would love to experiment with a bit of crackle on them. How fun!

  52. I would make a wood jewelery box with crackle and sparkle.

  53. i use this for my proyects and crafts….

  54. te sigo en Facebook

  55. I follow on twitter.

  56. I am subscribed by email.

  57. I like you on fb.

  58. Liked on fb.

  59. I have this cute lil wooden box with dividers I would like to use this on.

  60. I would make glitzy snowflakes and valentine hearts…what fun. I enjoy getting your e-mail feeds.

  61. I subscribe to Paint Me Plaid.

  62. I have a music box which needs a pretty outside and I would use these on it.

  63. I subscribe to Paint Me plaid.

  64. The Crackle Medium would be great on a picture frame. And the chunky glitter would be a perfect finish for a little girl’s treasure chest made with a wooden box.

  65. liked on facebook.

  66. Projects for spring.

  67. I follow on Twitter!

  68. I subscribe to your newsletter!

  69. i would like to paint a mirror frame

  70. I follow via FB!

  71. I would love to try this on some picture frames…or a keepsake box!

  72. I have a box I would paint and use the crackle on.

  73. I would love to make a memento box and picture frame for mother’s day and I think these items would be wonderful to use on these projects!

  74. I like Plaid on facebook (that’s actually how I found out about the giveaway!)

  75. I’m planning on making a canvas transfer of a cute picture of my niece and I want to add lots of glitter to it! This chunky glitter would look way cuter than the glitter paint I have! I also would use the crackle paint to make a cool sign for my kitchen!

  76. I get Plaid emails, like Plaid on FB.

    I am planning to make prayer boxes from Altoid tins. this would be great!!

  77. My girl scout troop could definitely use these!

  78. I follow on twitter

  79. I subscribe to plaid by e-mail.

  80. Liked plaid on facebook.

  81. I follow on twitter

  82. I have an old shelf sitting here that could use a touch up and this would work perfectly.

  83. I’m using the photo transfer mod podge to put my grandsons photos on a wooden box and this would be a perfect touch!

  84. I like on facebook!

  85. I am working on a large fishscale art piece for my wall and these colors with the crackle would be perfect!

  86. Office supplies need glitter!

  87. Would try to use minimal quantity of each one in my card making endeavors – would add alot of pop to the cards – lots of visions in my head for colors of card stock with these on them.

  88. I love folk art products.

  89. I love to upcycle things I find thrifting.

  90. picture frames…I love using the crackle to make the frames look old

  91. I would use the glitter and crackle paints to create art for my niece & nephews bedrooms.

  92. I like Plaid on FB!

  93. I would use them on Valentines decorations or the wooden shelf I am working on

  94. Would love to use these on some ornament ideas.

  95. Would love to use these on some ornament ideas I’m rolling around in my head.

  96. My favorite is creating Keepsake Collages via canvas!

  97. Love Glitter!


  98. I can see how this would be beautiful for added dimension on my creepy / cute art dolls !!!

  99. This would be fantastic for a valentine project I’m working on!

  100. I think these product would be great on lots of projects – I like the idea of re purposed wine bottles distressed & glittered

  101. I am thinking distressed picture frames.

  102. I am working on a12ft wooden box.
    I need a tarp, brushes, tape, glue, thumbtacks, stain, primer, FolkArt paint, and Plaid Chunky Glitter paint.
    I will use there Crackle Medum on the sign above the box.
    Sincerely thankful Lisa

  103. I’m thinking I would like to decorate a wooden frame for a picture of my cats!

  104. I have an old picture of my Grandparents and have not been able to find a suitable frame. These products could help make a beautiful frame for them. Also Valentines Day is right around the corner, could use these to make some very pretty gifts for loved ones..

  105. I’d decorate a heart wreath.

  106. I love using gold and silver, and would like to try out a crackle project, a wall plaque for spring

  107. I think we would use it to make things for the kids room and/ or family birthday gifts! We LOVE doing crafts!

  108. I can see lots of projects…painted bottles…distressed picture frames…

  109. I subscribe to Paint Me Plaid.

  110. I like Plaid on Facebook.

  111. I think the silver would be perfect to decorate some picture frames for my bedroom!

  112. I think a cute Valentine sign to hang by my front door! Thanks for the chance to win!

  113. Time to start working on Christmas ornaments

  114. Wow, these look like loads of fun! I’d love to use them on a 3D wall art piece!

  115. I can think of many…
    but right now I am making birdhouse’s
    and would love to try this…Thanks for a chance to WIN :)

  116. I’d make cute Valentines with these!

  117. I think something Valentine, rustic, glitter…

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