It’s time for another giveaway. I mean who doesn’t love the chance to win free stuff? In this giveaway we are giving away 6 FolkArt Extreme Glitter colors. The colors are, Orange, Confetti, Fuchsia, Royal Blue, Emerald, and Champagne. Additional FolkArt Extreme Glitter colors can be found here. Wouldn’t you like to try out these colors on a new project? Maybe use these new colors on a Fall or Halloween themed craft project. We are giving away a 6 pack of these paint colors to 1 lucky Paint Me Plaid blog readers.
Make It Monday: Haunted Glass Blocks
Looking for away to make your house a little more frightening for Halloween? We have the perfect project for you to create, these Haunted Glass Blocks. These blocks would be great to stage on your front porch or front window. It will serve as a warning sign to all those trick or treaters before they knock on your door for candy. This project is a little advanced, and not for the beginner crafter. It will take up to an hour and a half to complete. Glass blocks are a great surface to craft on, and the possibilities are endless with the messages you can create on them. All the materials you need are listed below, along with their instructions.
Plaid Supplies
FolkArt Enamels- 4032 Licorice, 4008 Pure Orange, 4133 Lipstick Red
Martha Stewart Stencils-32260 Holiday Icons
Plaid Stencils-28498 8×10 Blank Stencils
Plaid Letter Stencils Packs-28872 2” Genie
Spouncer Variety Pack-28498
Other Supplies
Xacto knife, 7 ½” glass blocks, Orange string lights
- Cut the flames stencils using the templates provided or create your own.
- Using the large spouncer and Lipstick Red, spounce the red flame to the glass blocks. Add a few coats if needed.
- When dry spounce the orange flame using Pure Orange.
- Stencil the letters and bat to the blocks as shown with Licorice.
Project Tip
Cotton swabs or a xacto knife is great to use to clean up any unwanted paint from the glass.