Archive for March, 2011

March 31, 2011

Visit the NEW!!

We interrupt our reguarly scheduled programming to bring you a VERY exciting announcement!  We’ve incorporated your thoughts, suggestions and ideas to create a new Plaid homepage filled to the brim with great inspiration.  We have recently revamped our website and today is the big launch – welcome to the NEW!  Visit us today and let us know what you think!

Tags: announcements,
March 30, 2011

Painted Wood Wall Art

I absolutely love what you can do with wood and a little paint.  Sometimes the simplest projects are the most impressive!  That is certainly the case with this wood wall art spotted at .  If you have scrap wood then this piece becomes budget crafting at its finest – but what I really love about this wood wall art is the size.  It’s large, and it makes such a statement.  Read all about the construction process and the painting .

Tags: decorating ideas, , ,
March 29, 2011

Tuesday Huesday: Summerlin Brights

I’m seeing a lot of brights this summer and I like it.  One thing I’m noticing is that the brights are typically on a neutral background, or at least combined in some way with shades of black and gray.  It’s very pleasing to the eye, don’t you think?  I pulled this latest palette from the most recent Crate & Barrel catalog, and their summer collection completely embraces some fun uses of brights.

This palette was created using Apple Barrel acrylic colors (clockwise from upper left): Apricot, Kiwi, Plum Kiss, Country Gray, Black

March 28, 2011

Make It Monday: A Neon Glitter Spring Birdhouse

So many of you have raved about FolkArt Extreme Glitter – it’s one of my favorite products too.  I’m super pleased to announce that we now have *NEW* Extreme Glitter Neons!  They are bright, cheery and fun - and made a great addition to your crafting projects.  To celebrate the new release, Plaid designer Julie Lewis made this glittery birdhouse project.  It’s a gift box that doubles as a cute spring display!   Wondering how it’s made?  Here’s the full tutorial.

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Tags: , , , neon, Neon Extreme Glitter, spring
March 25, 2011

TGIF Project: Make a Patina Penny Ring

I was tickled to find this Patina Penny Ring made by Erin at .  Why?  It uses my absolute FAVORITE FolkArt color: Patina!  If you are looking for an inexpensive and quick jewelry project (and not just because it’s a penny!), this is the one.  The copper of the penny and the Patina are beautiful together, don’t you think?  Make several for gifts – and have some good luck at the same time!  Visit the tutorial on Erin’s blog right .

Tags: , , jewelry, ,
March 24, 2011

How to Paint a Realistic Flower Pot

Welcome to another installment of ASK PLAIDIE LADDIE!

Plaidie Laddie, loyal Plaid pooch and one of our blog contributors, wants to answer your most burning painting questions. Every week he’ll pick a question out of his virtual mailbag and answer it (with a little help from me, since he only has paws). This week’s question:

“Dear Plaidie Laddie, I’m learning how to paint. Can you give me some tips on painting items to look more realistic? ” -Darian S. from California


realistic painted flower pot

Dear Darian, thank you for your question!  We have a blogger friend named Colleen from who loves painting realistic items with our FolkArt paint.  She gives lessons on her blog, showing people how to paint items more realistically – the pot above only uses three paint colors!  Colleen shows the step-by-step photos on her blog, and she has several more painting lessons here.  Take a peek at her blog entry on the pot when you have a chance.  Painting realistic items is much easier than you think!

Sincerely, Plaidie Laddie

Tags: floral, , , ,
March 23, 2011

Simple Painted Puzzle Scottie Dog

painted scottie dog

It’s a painted Plaidie Laddie puzzle!  It’s actually not Plaidie Laddie, but it looks just like him, don’t you think?  This simple painted puzzle scottie dog was made beautiful by designer Holli Long from .  It’s a very special gift for her sister.  Holli did a perfect job with the polka dots, but what’s really impressive is the fur.  I’ve never known how to use a rake brush, so it’s fun to see one in action.  With a little practice, I might be able to do it too!  Visit Holli’s precious scottie puzzle .

Tags: , , , puzzle, scottie dog
March 22, 2011

Tuesday Huesday: Painted Striped Rug

painted striped rug

Sometimes color inspiration is found in the least obvious of places.  I normally think of home improvement stores as providing creative ideas – I’m typically there when something is broken and I have to fix it – but Lowe’s has been putting out some fun publications with great color suggestions.  I spotted this striped rug that is actually painted onto floorboard, and it reminded me of our Apple Barrel line with its bright selection of colors.  You can use any of our paint formulas to accomplish something like this (including FolkArt Outdoor); all you need is the right outdoor sealer and you are good to go.  It’s those bright accents that truly make a difference in the decor.

This palette was created using Apple Barrel colors (from left to right): Lemon Chiffon, Light Leaf Green, Tiger Lily, Lilac Dust

Tags: , , rug, stripes
March 21, 2011

Make It Monday: Enamels Glitter Gold Daisy Vase

Extreme Glitter Gold Glass Vase

You know how awesome our FolkArt Extreme Glitter is – but you also know that it’s not permanent on glass.  You’ve been asking us for permanent glitter on glass, and we’re delivering!  We are so thrilled about our new product, FolkArt Enamels Glitter.  It works just like regular FolkArt Enamels AND it comes in two colors, gold and silver.  The sparkling effects are gorgeous!  Plaid designer Julie Lewis has created this special daisy vase with Enamels Glitter, and you won’t believe how easy it is to recreate yourself.  Here’s how it’s done.

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March 18, 2011

TGIF Project: Extreme Glitter Easter Basket

Can you believe it’s already coming up on Easter?  Wow!  It’s weeks away now, and so we’ll introduce a few crafts for you since we know you’re going to want to start decorating soon (if you haven’t already!).  Since today is our TGIF project, and that means it should be quick to finish in a weekeend, I present to you FolkArt Extreme Glitter Easter eggs with a pretty, coordinating basket.  We have so many gorgeous colors of glitter, and the pinks and greens are perfect for spring.  This project is simple and involves only painting: you don’t even have to stay inside the lines!  It will brighten a room and be a great part of your Easter display.  You’ll find the instructions for the basket and eggs here.

Tags: Easter, Easter basket, , , ,