I have a confession. Until yesterday, I had no idea how to use transfer paper. I thought I could get through life without learning this little tidbit, but then I realized that since I really enjoy painting I should acquire this skill.
And then there was the dark surface. Black, to be exact.
Regular transfer paper is gray, right? That’s all the transfer paper I knew of, until I was told about white transfer paper. You see, I had a black pumpkin that I wanted to paint a skull on, but it required transferring the skull pattern I had to the surface of the pumpkin. With a little help, I learned the ins-and-outs of using transfer paper. I’d love to share with you today.

Luckily, the supplies for transferring a pattern are minimal:
- Pattern (got mine from Microsoft Clip Art if you can believe it, isn’t he wonderful?)
- Stylus
- White transfer paper (that’s it on the left, looks brown but will transfer white)
- Tape
So how do you start?

I grabbed my pumpkin and taped my pattern to the top of it. You just want to secure it in one place.

The next step is to have Chris, your local resident transfer paper expert, teach you what side is correct. THIS IS THE BAD SIDE.

This is the RIGHT SIDE. You can remember because it is the lighter side – the side that will transfer to your surface.

Slip your transfer paper RIGHT SIDE DOWN underneath your taped pattern. You obviously want to make sure that the transfer paper is all the way under all parts of the pattern that you are going to transfer. I then secured the bottom with a piece of tape. Depending on your surface, you may want to secure more sides with some tape. I didn’t because my surface was round.

Use your stylus to trace all parts of the pattern. I had a great time with this for some reason. I guess I’m easily entertained. If you can’t remember if you traced over a particular part of your design, the stylus does a very nice thing for you, which is leave a groove in the paper where you traced. So you can actually run your fingers over it and tell. Did I mention that I’m easily forgetful?

Peel the transfer paper off of your surfaces and behold your work. Amazing, huh? I was shocked to find that my transfer paper had worked great! Now I realize that I can transfer nearly ANY pattern to ANY surface, and I’m pretty much forever changed. Come back soon to see what I actually do with this pumpkin. I think you’ll love it!
A special thanks to Chris Williams, one of our contributors, for showing me how to use transfer paper and for the hand modeling.