Give Thanks Decor by Kindra Boroff
Giving thanks is something that we should all do on an everyday basis. There are several reasons to be thankful everyday. I know that it can be very easy to forget to give thanks for the wonderful things in our lives, so here’s a craft that maybe able to help. Here is a great up-cycle craft to make just in time for the Thanksgiving holiday. This is a beginner skill level craft, and it takes between 1 hour to 1 ½ hours to complete.
Plaid Supplies
FolkArt Acrylic Paint: 938 Licorice, 649 Warm White
Plaid Stencil Accessories: 1533 ¾” Spouncer
Plaid Stencil Letter Value Pack: 28872 2” Genie
Other Supplies
6 glass root beer bottles, Masking tape, Twine, Plaid fabric, Dried fall florals, Scissors, & Dowel rods
- Remove the labels and the adhesive from the bottles. Nail Polish remover or rubbing alcohol will remove the adhesive.
- Using the stencil and Warm White, paint the letters to the bottle as shown.
- Cut 3” x 4 ½” flags from the plaid fabric. Stencil the letters using Licorice.
- Cut small slits at the top of each flag on the sides. String the twine through the fabric to create a banner. Tie the twine to the dowel rods.
- Fill each bottle with some dried florals and grass. Stick the dowel rods in the bottles on each end.