Posts tagged ‘folkart craft paints’

July 16, 2012

Make it Monday: The Journey Begins Canister

Have you taken an awesome journey this summer? Maybe you have traveled to the beach, gone hiking up a mountain, or visited your local amusement park. Well, wherever you have been you can capture all your journey mementos in this beautiful canister. This project is perfect to make this time of year. Designed by Julie Lewis, this canister was made using FolkArt acrylic and metallic paints, and Mod Podge. Below is a full list of supplies you will need, and the instructions for this craft.

PLAID Supplies

  • Mod Podge ® 7 Piece Tool Kit
  • Mod Podge ® Podgeable Paper Flip Books – Travel
  • FolkArt ® Acrylic Colors – Toasted Vanilla, 2 oz.
  • FolkArt ® Metallics – Pure Gold, 2 oz.
  • FolkArt ® Metallics – Copper, 2 oz.
  • FolkArt ® Mediums – Antiquing Medium – Apple Butter Brown, 2 oz.
  • Mod Podge ® Matte, 16 oz.
  • Mod Podge ® Crackle Medium, 2 oz.
  • Mod Podge ® Craft Glue, 2 oz.

Other Supplies

Soft cloth
Wood doll head 1 ½”
Wood doll pin stand
Paper Mache round container 9”
Wax paper
Brush basin
Paper towels
Foam plates


  1. Paint lid of box and doll pin Copper. Paint doll head Pure Gold and body of container Toasted Vanilla.
  2. Tape off rectangle on container body and paint Copper.
  3. Trace lid of box onto background paper and cut out. Cut out other images and letters from flip book.
  4. Apply papers to container referring to bottle instructions. Place wax paper over image to squeegee out excess glue. When dry apply several coats of matte to entire container.
  5. Refer to crackle medium bottle for application instructions and apply over body of container. Cracks will appear as medium dries.
  6. Brush antiquing medium over cracks and wipe with a soft cloth.
  7. Glue doll pin and head to lid of container.