Posts tagged ‘CHA’

February 4, 2012

Plaid’s CHA Winter 2012 Recap

WOW! That is all I can say to describe this year’s winter CHA show. Well I can say a little bit more :) . I can’t believe that it is over. This time last week we were setting up, lol. It was an awesome show, and thanks to everyone that was able to attend and stop by the Plaid booth. The winter CHA show was held in Anaheim, CA, at the Anaheim Convention Center. Everyone from Plaid stayed just steps away from the convention center at, the Anaheim Marriott. This definitely made it so nice and easy to get to and from the convention. We all were very busy while at the show. Our booth was in a prime location, and very easy to locate. No doubt that was in large part to the white carpet we had inside our booth. We had three make it take it sections at our booth. One was with Cathie and Steve, where they made crafts using Mod Podge. Another station had Ring Bling craft projects, and Candie Cooper helped with that. Our third section was a Martha make it take it, held by Marianne. We had all types of visitors to our booth, including some influential craft bloggers. They even had the time to stop and pose for some pics, wearing Mod Podge t-shirts. While at the show, Plaid was very happy to award two designers the New Horizon Award. This years winners were, Marisa Pawelko, and Jen Cushman. Each won $1500. Plaid not only gave awards out, but we won some too. Plaid’s President, Mr. Mike McCooey, received the CHA Lifetime Achievement Award. We are all so proud of him. To top off this great show, I was also able to get some great video interviews with some very well known craft bloggers at the show. Be on the look out to see these videos next week. If I do say so myself the winter CHA show was a success, and I definitely can’t wait until the summer show later this year. To see even more pictures of our booth check out our album on , or our .

A wide shot of the Plaid booth

Our craft blogger friends that stopped by our booth, posing for a picture with Cathie and Steve

Some fabulous employees from Plaid: Andrea & Michael

CHA New Horizon Winners: Marisa Pawelko & Jen Cushman

Plaid’s President, Mike McCooey, holding his award

More fabulous employees of Plaid: Jill & Leanne

Our Martha Stewart make it take it section, at our booth



Tags: , cha winter 2012, new horizons award, ,
January 25, 2012

Plaid’s CHA Winter Show 2012 Activity Schedule

I am so excited for the CHA Winter show in Anaheim, CA. The Anaheim Convention Center will be packed with attendees and exhibitors, in just a few days. We here at Plaid have been preparing for this show for months, and our team is getting ready to travel west. The 2012 CHA Winter Show will be held in Anaheim, CA at the Anaheim Convention Center. The trade show floor will officially open on Sunday January 29th at 10 AM. From the time the show opens until it closes, the Plaid booth will have some wonderful activities going on, lead by some celebrity crafters. While at the show make sure you stop by our booth (#1918 & #1919), to join in on the fun of these great make it take its. We will have three make it take it stations featuring  crafts from our Martha Stewart, Mod Podge, and Ring Bling brands. You are not going to want to miss this. For those of you that will be unable to attend CHA, don’t fret we will be blogging, tweeting, and taking videos of all these activities to share with you.

Sunday January 29, 2012 – Tuesday January 31, 2012

10 AM – 1 PM: Stencil a Martha Stewart tote with Marianne

10 AM – 12 PM: Discover Podgeables with Cathie and Steve

10 AM – 12 PM: Make a ring with Candie Cooper

2PM – 5:30 PM: Stencil a Martha Stewart tote with Marianne

1PM – 5:30 PM: Discover Podgeables with Cathie and Steve

1PM – 5:30 PM: Make a ring with Candie Cooper

Tags: , Craft and Hobby Association, , , , , ring bling
January 24, 2012

Re-Purpose Your Furniture with Rethunk Junk

What do you typically do with your old worn out furniture? Haul it to the local dump? Throw it in your garage? Sell it? Well, how about re-purposing that old piece of furniture. Take it from drab to fab with the help of a company called, Rethunk Junk. Rethunk Junk takes pieces of furniture from ordinary to extraordinary. An employee of Plaid, Leanne Melton, lead us to Laura and her company, Rethunk Junk. We absolutely love her work, and wanted to learn more about her. Get ready to be amazed by what she can do with old furniture.

1. How did you come up with the concept of Rethunk Junk?

I love painting furniture. I always have. I have decorated that way so that I don’t have to yell at my five kids, “get off that! Don’t touch that! Do you know how much I paid for that???” My husband prefers what we call “hotel décor”…just a bed, a nightstand, and maybe a piece of art over the bed – very minimalist. So we reached a point several years ago where he kindly requested that, I quit bringing anymore dag gum furniture into the house :) . So I decided to post a piece for sale, and was shocked when someone actually purchased it. Thinking it was a fluke I posted another, and slowly decided this could work!

2. What made you begin to re-purpose furniture?

I had a need/desire to have a home I enjoyed, without spending a ton of money.  We had a wee budget, but wanted things to look inviting and comfortable.

3. What was one of your most difficult projects to re-purpose?

A set of matching dressers that after I gave a bid, I discovered were 100% laminate. They were for a family having twins and they wanted them painted (YIKES), and I had to find a way to make the paint stick. They also wanted them “decorated” in a classy way that would make them personal to each little baby (one girl & one boy). That was a challenge…to do something without going with the usual pink and blue. That tied with the piece someone brought me, that had to be sanded for about 1,500 hours due to veneer issues. Then on top of that I had to make some custom trim for the back that was missing. However in the end, I loved the finished product.

4. What is your favorite type of furniture piece to redo?

UGLY FURNITURE!  Ugly enough that it surprises me, when it turns out so charming and normal :) !

5. You recently were asked to make some pieces, which will be on display in Plaid’s booth at CHA Winter. How did you get connected with Plaid?

Leanne Melton, Director of Product Development, Plaid Far East, recommended me. She is a wonderful customer, amazing person, and she threw my name around till someone listened!  Ha-ha :) . I am truly grateful!!!

6. Can you please describe your craft/work place?

We just recently moved to Woodstock. We were previously in a neighborhood where the homeowners association was “less than thrilled” when there was a dresser in the driveway overnight. Ha-ha! We purchased a home, and my husband built a 1,200 square foot shed behind our home. I use the front half to display and sell the finished pieces, and the back half to work on pieces. It’s a wonderful, chaotic, happy, messy, creative, and disorganized fun place!

7. Do you have any goals for Rethunk Junk in 2012?

I would love to figure out a way to grow things a bit. I would love to have some pieces on consignment in retail stores. Right now I post pieces for sale on my website, but I think it can be a bit of a hassle to have to contact me, and find our shop. Going to an official “store” would be easier for some people. So, that’s the direction I would like to add to the plan.

8. What trends do you see occurring within the re-purposing industry?

I have no clue! Ha-ha. I do what I like, and I listen to customers. I do a lot of custom work and that seems to be huge. The ability to go somewhere and say to someone, “I am looking for a robin’s egg blue dresser no more than 60 inches long, for my nursery and I’d like silver hardware.” This is not something very many places offer. I feel happy that I can work with people to make their visions a reality.

9. What do you like to do in your spare time?

I love to spend time with my family (five kids ages 17 to 6, and my husband). We’ve been married for 24 years (and yes – if you’re wondering I got married when I was 7) Ha-ha! I also enjoy playing the piano, and I like listening to music. I never watch TV, and I love to rearrange my furniture  :) .

10. What advice can you give to people who are new to furniture re-purposing?

Find a fabulous primer!!!!  Remember that it’s only paint; you can redo it if you don’t like it.  Don’t use oil based paints or polyurethane. The hardware is the “accessorizing” part and can make all the difference in the finished look. Oh and of course have fun!!!!

To get in touch with Laura and Rethunk Junk visit, Or call,

Here are some more projects Laura has created:

Tags: , laura rethunk junk. rethunk junk, , , re-purpose furniture
January 17, 2012

Excited for CHA Winter 2012

Plaid Enterprises is getting ready to go to the 2012 winter Craft & Hobby Association show  next week in Anaheim. Make sure you check out our blog everyday during the show. We will be showing you our booth, giving updates on our new products, doing giveaways galore, and letting you be apart of all the fun. Can you believe that the 2012 CHA Winter show is almost here? I know we can’t. We here at Plaid have been so busy preparing for this show, and we are so excited. Yesterday we did one last walk through of our booth, and all I can say is WOW! Our booth is amazing, and definitely a site to see. We have awesome products and projects to show off. Also we will have tons of exciting activity going on within our booth. You will love all our Make it Take its. If you plan on attending the show we invite you to stop by. Also be sure to follow us on , so you will be aware of some of our giveaways we will be doing at the show. Click here to read a re-cap of our time at CHA winter last year. This year is going to be so much fun.

Tags: , cha 2012 winter, ,
November 7, 2011

Apply for the 2012 New Horizons Awards

All current members of the Craft and Hobby Association’s Designer Section are invited to apply for the 2012 New Horizons Awards sponsored by Plaid Enterprises, Inc. Plaid created the program in 2000 to recognize outstanding designers and to enhance their careers and professional development. Beginning and advanced artists are encouraged to apply for a $1,500 award that will be presented to two artists based on their achievements to date and professional goals. The two award categories include applicants with 1-5 or over 6 years as a professional artist/crafter. Applications are being accepted now through Dec. 15, 2011. Click here to get the application.

Tags: , craft awards, , new horizon awards,
July 21, 2011

CHA 2011 Summer Show Recap

As you can imagine there was tons of exciting things going on at the 2011 CHA Summer show. I sure hope you were following us on and Facebook, because we were uploading lots of pictures from the show. Our booth was bursting with tons of energy and excitement. Many people were lined up to do Make N Takes with Cathie & Steve. Cathie and Steve were awesome, and so many people loved creating crafts with them. Below are are some pictures from our booth at CHA Summer. To see even more pictures from our trip to CHA check out our album on  our . Also Cathie and Steve posted an album on Facebook also. Click to see it. Be sure to leave comments, and tell us what you think. Also please share with us your thoughts if you attended the CHA Summer show.

Tags: 2011 CHA Summer Show, Cathie & Steve, , , paints, , tradeshow
February 6, 2011

More Favorites – the Last Day of CHA

The last day of CHA is always bittersweet.  After five days of being away from home, we’re ready to get back to our families – yet we’ll miss gawking over crafty supplies for days.  Here are my final favorites of the show; don’t forget that you can see nearly everything featured at the show (including all the new product!) at Craft Critique.

I showed you another cabinet yesterday painted with blue; then I saw this one at the Prima booth and I loved it too!

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February 5, 2011

Sharing Some Favorites From CHA

CHA was SO FUN – I wish you all could have been there.  There is so much to see that even in the four days I was there, I didn’t catch it all.  I am going to give you a few posts about my favorite things, spotted and hearted.  For in-depth coverage of nearly everything at the show, visit Craft Critique.  Here are the products and booths that I loved at CHA.

I like going into tunnels, especially when it looks like there’s something fun on the other side, don’t you?  Welcome to the EK Success booth.

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February 4, 2011

The Show Must Go On: More From CHA

Candie Cooper and Mod Podge Amy
On day three of CHA, Candie Cooper and I were ready to roll! We were thoroughly coffeed and breakfast’d, so Candie headed to her jewelry making station and I finished capturing images of the Plaid booth.

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February 2, 2011

More of Plaid’s Booth at Winter CHA 2011

Angela and Chris love Extreme Glitter!
Did you think we were done with the booth tour? Not even close! The Plaid booth was big and busy, which are two things we love to be during trade show! Here’s more of our fabulous displays, starting with Angela Anderson and Chris Williams hamming it up at the Plaid Extreme Glitter make-and-take station.  How did these girls manage to keep their cheery smiles all day?  Only they know the secret . . .

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