Have you ever crafted with gilding? Do you know what gilding is? It’s ok if you don’t. You are not alone. Gilding is a craft finishing technique. It is very easy to learn, and easy to do. Gilding produces luxurious results, which can enhance any project you create. This technique is a great for all skill levels, and it’s even better for beginners to tryout, since you do not have to be an expert to use gilding.
So what exactly is gilding? Gilding is the art of applying metallic leaf to a surface. Gilding can be applied to almost everything, wood, metal, glass, and fabric. Gilding comes in a variety of colors including gold, silver, and copper. Gold gilding is typically the most popular color selected by crafters, but all colors produce a wonderful finish. Before you begin gilding you will need to make sure your surface is prepared correctly. This means it should be smooth, without any bumps or cracks.
So now that you know more about gilding, it’s time to try this technique out for yourself. Don’t be afraid to use this technique on your next craft project. Below are some images you can use for inspiration. Wondering where to buy gilding? While there are several brands out there, we recommend Martha Stewart’s liquid gilding. This is a one-step leafing paint that creates a rich metallic luster as beautiful as precious metal. It can be used on any paintable surface. Buy this gilding at your local Michaels, Jo-Ann Fabrics & Craft Stores, or Plaid’s online store.
A mirror with gold gilding
Pumpkins painted with gold and copper gilding
A necklace painted with Martha Stewart’s gold gilding. Designed by Glitter N Glue.
Martha Stewart liquid gilding