Archive for ‘Craft Articles’

April 17, 2012

A Craft Technique To Know: Gilding

Have you ever crafted with gilding? Do you know what gilding is? It’s ok if you don’t. You are not alone. Gilding is a craft finishing technique. It is very easy to learn, and easy to do. Gilding produces luxurious results, which can enhance any project you create. This technique is a great for all skill levels, and it’s even better for beginners to tryout, since you do not have to be an expert to use gilding.

So what exactly is gilding? Gilding is the art of applying metallic leaf to a surface. Gilding can be applied to almost everything, wood, metal, glass, and fabric. Gilding comes in a variety of colors including gold, silver, and copper. Gold gilding is typically the most popular color selected by crafters, but all colors produce a wonderful finish.  Before you begin gilding you will need to make sure your surface is prepared correctly. This means it should be smooth, without any bumps or cracks.

So now that you know more about gilding, it’s time to try this technique out for yourself. Don’t be afraid to use this technique on your next craft project. Below are some images you can use for inspiration. Wondering where to buy gilding? While there are several brands out there, we recommend Martha Stewart’s liquid gilding. This is a one-step leafing paint that creates a rich metallic luster as beautiful as precious metal. It can be used on any paintable surface. Buy this gilding at your local Michaels, Jo-Ann Fabrics & Craft Stores, or Plaid’s online store.

A mirror with gold gilding

Pumpkins painted with gold and copper gilding

A necklace painted with Martha Stewart’s gold gilding. Designed by Glitter N Glue.

 Martha Stewart liquid gilding

Tags: craft articles, craft techniques, , liquid gilding, , ,
April 10, 2012

So You’re New To Crafting: Tips for Beginner Crafters

Do you see things at craft shows or boutiques and say to yourself, “I could make that.” Are you addicted to Pinterest or craft blogs, where you see projects you envision yourself recreating? If you answered yes to both questions then you probably should take a crack at crafting. Now it can always be a little intimidating at first when you begin a new hobby, but one of the best things about crafting is that you learn by making mistakes. Below are some tips to keep in mind if you’re new to crafting.

Practice Makes Perfect

Being new to anything means, that you will have a learning curve to face. Crafting is a skill that you will have to nurture in order to see any improvement. Now there are some people who have a natural born talent for crafting, but if that’s not you don’t worry it just means you are going to have to practice. The old saying, practice makes perfect, is so true when it comes to crafting. As a newbie you are trying out new supplies, techniques, and projects. Lighten up on yourself, and enjoy learning the art of crafting.

Try Several Things

The craft industry is comprised of various different types of craft categories. From painting, scrapbooking, to knitting, there are so many different ways to craft. If you’re new to crafting, it would be best to try your hand at a lot of different things. See what comes natural to you, or interests you the most. You may be surprised that you enjoy a particular type of craft, more than you expected.

Don’t Get Discouraged

Accept this fact, you will mess up. This is not to scare you or to be harsh it is simply the truth. Even people who have been crafting for years mess up from time to time. Making mistakes are all apart of the process, and the experience of crafting. No one is perfect at everything, and it would be foolish to hold yourself to such a standard. When you do make a craft mistake look at as a lesson and either learn from it, or try to correct it. Pick one of these options as opposed to quitting.

Learn From Others

If you have friends or family members that craft, look to them as your craft mentor. They can give you helpful tips and tricks, in order to improve your skills. If you don’t know anyone near to you who crafts, luckily there is the Internet. There are tons of craft blogs online, and many of these blogs offer step-by-step instructions on how to create a project. Some blogs even include a supply-shopping list. Use them as motivators, and teachers to learn from when crafting.

Know Where To Shop

Entering a new hobby means buying new supplies. If you desire to be a crafter, you will no doubt need several supplies. Don’t be afraid to shop around, at different stores, and see who carries what. If you live in a small town, you can visit your local craft store. If you live closer to or in a larger city check out Michaels, Walmart, Hobby Lobby, Jo-Ann Fabric and Crafts, or A.C. Moore. Many larger craft stores are great at offering coupons, that you can receive either through the mail or via email.

Tags: beginner crafters, craft tips, new to crafting, , plaid enteprises