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About Paint Me Plaid

As the name suggests, this blog is all about paint!  Paint Me Plaid is a blog owned and sponsored by Plaid Enterprises.  Plaid is proud to have been making paint in the USA for over 35 years.  As a leader in the craft painting industry, we aspire to bring you the latest painting trends, inspiration, projects, how-tos, videos and more.  We want to share with you, and encourage you to share with us as well. Please we would love to hear from you with any questions, tips, or comments you may have. Email us at .

flower jar Glass Block OS flowers

Do you have painting projects you would like to show off?  Please join our Creative Community! Share your projects with other crafters and get inspired by theirs – we’d love to have you.

Visit Our Brands for more information about what we are featuring, and visit About Plaid Enterprises to learn about the company behind this blog.  Our corporate website is Plaid Online, where you can learn more about ALL of our brands and get additional inspiration.  Hope to connect with you soon!

Our Blog Weekly Schedule

  • Make-It Monday: our weekly featured painting project
  • Tuesday Huesday: a trend-driven color story
  • Web Wednesday: we feature an interesting craft project/video we found online, or discuss a craft trend/news topic found online
  • Teaching Thursday: we teach you how to re-create a project step-by-step
  • Freelance Friday: we showcase a craft project from a fellow craft blogger/designer, or Plaidie Laddie will stop by to answer your craft questions


Amy Anderson is the blogger behind !  She’s been crafting most of her life, and is pleased to share her painting knowledge and inspiration with you. Visit her blog for a daily dose of decoupaged wonders.

HOLLI Holli Long has been a designer and crafter with Plaid for 15 years. Her love of painting took off when she was 14 and won a “Best in Show” ribbon at the Orange County Fair for one of her oil paintings. Holli loves putting new FolkArt palettes together and naming new colors in addition to creating beautiful projects on a daily basis. She has been an OSCI for 8 years and has been published many times over.

Carol Carol Smith has been supporting the Gallery Glass brand on television and in print for over 30 years. Carol’s enthusiasm encourages people to craft their hearts out – she lives by the motto “busy hands, happy heart!” See Carol’s blog, .

Chris WilliamsChris Myer Williams has been designing and creating since childhood. She has many interests, from stenciling to faux finishing to decorating, but decorative painting will always be her first love. Chris has worked in the craft and hobby industry for many years, starting her career as Seminar Director and Editor of Priscilla’s Publications, working under the creative direction of Priscilla Hauser. As the Marketing Education Director at Plaid, she enjoys being allowed the opportunity to share the joys of creating with others and encouraging people to find their creative spirits.

plaidie laddie Meet Plaidie Laddie, host of Paint Me Plaid. Plaidie Laddie is wearing a traditional Scottish tartan coat representing the family of Dave Cunningham, who started Plaid back in 1976. Plaidie loves to paint and is happy to be a part of the close-knit family of Plaid employees. He hopes you will stick around for awhile and enjoy the blog!

Other Plaid Sites

In addition to Paint Me Plaid, we also have a blog dedicated to kids’ projects, Plaid’s Kids’ Crafts.  Click below to be taken there.

Kids' Craft Blog

10 Responses to “About Paint Me Plaid”

  1. Thank you for this opportunity to win fabulous craft things. I love crafts and love to learn about new ideas.

  2. Always anxious to share ideas and love to see what others are doing.

  3. I just admire the ladies who make the time to give vent to their expressions in the form of all the crafts above. Bless you all. I do try to do a fair bit myself ,but always inhibited to post it.

  4. please enter me in the giveaway…ilove glitter paint…

  5. Oh I am so excited to be here Please sign me up for the blog as well. Loving the new trend on plaid gallery glass !!!

  6. please sign me up for blog , I would love to win.

  7. I would like to be added to you blog. I saw it today for the first time and am sooooo excited by your site and all the information covered. Thank!

  8. Please add me to the list

  9. i would like to be signed up for the blog.thanks

    barbara hopkins


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