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Enter Our Pin to Win Mod Podge Sweepstakes

Attention! Attention! We here at Plaid have created a craftastic giveaway, featuring every crafters favorite product MOD PODGE! We are having a huge Pin It to Win It sweepstakes where we are giving away 3 Mod Podge Prize Packs, each worth $300 in value. It’s so easy to enter. All you have to do is click , and fill out the short entry form.

With Mod Podge the possibilities are endless. This product comes in a variety of formulas, and has several accessories and tools that can be used in conjunction while crafting. These prize packs are a crafter’s dream come true. It has every Mod Podge product imaginable. This sweepstakes will run from March 7th 2013, until March 21st 2013. Good luck! .

Tags: craft sweepstakes, , pinterest, ,

10 Comments to “Enter Our Pin to Win Mod Podge Sweepstakes”

  1. LOVE this giveaway! Would so enjoy trying all the Mod Podge varieties!

  2. Mod Podge is a primary in almost all my projects for craft shows – that’s some good stuff!

  3. LOVE MOD PODGE … winning would be great!!!
    Starting to wonder if I can get it by the gallon, just can’t seem to do as much as I can dream up of creating with Mod Podge. It’s just the best :-)

  4. Who wouldn’t want to win this fab. giveaway!!! Love Modge Podge !

  5. I am a huge fan of Modge Podge and use it by the gallon. Love this giveaway !

  6. I Love Mod Podge!! Shared and Pin ^_^

  7. I Love Mod Podge!!

  8. I love Mod Podge…. have been using for many years..

  9. Wow!! Could the girls and I have fun with this one!! Even my oldest daughter would get in on this!!!!

  10. I would like to try more Mod podge project!

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