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A FolkArt Painting Stencils Giveaway

Welcome back from the weekend, and we are here to brighten up your Monday, by announcing a new craft giveaway. This week we’re are giving away 3 FolkArt Painting Stencils. These intricate, laser-cut designs are perfect for backgrounds, borders, focal points and so much more! Durable and reusable, these stencils even come with project ideas, how-tos and a supply list. We are giving away 3 of these stencil to 1 lucky Paint Me Plaid blog reader.

Large Leaf

Filigree Heart

Large Bird

To enter this giveaway all you have to do is leave a comment below telling us what kind of project you would use these products to create. For extra entries (leave a separate comment for each):

Like and let us know you entered the giveaway

to Paint Me Plaid

Follow us on

The contest will end Friday March 1st, 2013 at 12 noon EST.


111 Comments to “A FolkArt Painting Stencils Giveaway”

  1. You always need a heart stencil somewhere

  2. I already “liked” on FB
    I already follow on Twitter
    and I just subscribed on google reader

  3. I need a leaf stencil for my “wisteria” room

  4. I plan on doing my kitchen with a bird theme

  5. I would use the bird stencil on a wood for wall hanging

  6. I love Plaid products, so versatile would love to add these stencils to my stash.
    I make wood signs with sayings these would be great accents thanks

  7. I subscribe to Paint Me Plaid!

  8. I like Plaid on Face Book!

  9. I would hit some second hand stores and find some great shelving or small tables to re-do!

  10. I love to do Zentangling! I would use these stencils as a part of my tangles as a mask or to tangle in the negative spaces. Different and fun!!

  11. I am doing a mural in the play room, leaf and Bird will be perfect! and I would use the heart for mother’s day project!

  12. I would use them in my house, the walls need it!

  13. I would use the heart stencils in my kitchen, the bird stencil in the bathroom and the leaf on all types of crafts.

  14. I would use the heart stencil around my kitchen, the bird in the bathroom and make a large print with the leaf

  15. The bird stencil is just what I need to paint on a framed piece of burlap for my mantle! The heart stencil would be great for a little vanity for my niece, and the leaf stencil would be perfect for prettying up my boring kitchen towels :)

  16. I would use the bird on my wall…I LOVE it!

  17. I have just started a collaging and art journaling class. these would be VERY useful and beautiful. :)

  18. I would loved the bird stencil for our backporch, an area rug for and for planters/pots. Gorgeous!

  19. Love these stencils! I would use them in mixed media on a canvas! Thanks for the chance to win!

  20. I would love to make new pillows for my couches for spring.

  21. I would use the bird on a table runner too!

  22. I would use it for all types of crafts, wooden signs, canvas pictures.

  23. I would use the hearts on a tote bag

  24. I would use the leaf on a table runner

  25. I already follow Paint Me Plaid.

  26. I already like on FB

  27. I already follow on TWITTER.

  28. I think I could use these to stencil my bathroom walls.

  29. I do a lot of mixed media painting and those stencils would be great for backgrounds and highlights.They would also work great on journaling pages. Thanks for the contest!

  30. i would like to use them to decorate my new granddaughters room . want her to have her own room at mama’s .

  31. Love Plaid paints. Also love the stencils. I’ve taken some classes and everything is so easy to use. I love having a chance to win

  32. I would use the stencils to decorate birdhouses and gift wooded boxes!

  33. I subscribe to Paint Me Plaid.

  34. liked on fb under nicole h bthm and commented

  35. subscriber

  36. follow on twitter under bthm1

  37. ooo- id use the bird one for a tshirt for my daughter and the fleur de lis heart for some mothers day gifts!

  38. I would use them on wooden trays and mache boxes..what fun! Thanks for the giveaways!

  39. I like you on facebook

  40. Iam an email subscriber

  41. I would make some wall decals I think

  42. Id make some wall decals I think

  43. I would love to make a painting with these! It would be a great addition to my craft staples. Thanks

  44. I would love to make a painting with these! It would be a great addition to my craft staples. Thanks!

  45. I would paint a something for my office.

  46. I would love to make a painting with these! It would be a great addition to my craft staples.

  47. I would love to make a painting with these!

  48. I “like” Plaid on facebook. I would use these on an altered cigar box.

  49. I am subscribed to Paint Me Plaid. I would use the stencils in my art journals.

  50. liked Plaid on facebook. subscribe to Paint me Plaid. bird and branch would look great on an old dresser.

  51. the bird and branch would look great on an old dresser. I liked Plaid on facebook and subscribe to Paint me Plaid

  52. The large leaf would be adorable on a place mat and napkin set!
    It would also be real neat on the back of a plain hoodie!
    On a tee shirt going different directions all the way around the shirt. Outline with the glitter paint and feather in the edges so as not to be overly heavy.

  53. The large leaf would be adorable on a place mat and napkin set!
    It would also me real neat on the back of a plain hoodie!
    On a tee shirt going different directions going all the way around the shirt outline and feather in the edges so as mot to be overly heavy.

  54. The large leaf would be adorable on a place mat and napkin set!

  55. i would love these as i am just starting out nixed media

  56. I would decorate my home.

  57. I am Subscribed to Paint Me Plaid.

  58. I Liked Plaid on Facebook.

  59. like on FB

  60. love the hearts…would look awesome on a t-shirt

  61. I Liked Plaid on Facebook

  62. I would use them to create art for my home.

  63. I am Subscribed to Paint Me Plaid.

  64. I am Subscribed to Paint Me Plaid.

  65. I follow Plaid on Twitter.

  66. I Liked Plaid on Facebook

  67. I would use them to create artwork for my home.

  68. My niece has an old dressed that needs a face lift. She loves birds and this stencil would be perfect.

  69. I subscribe to plaid by e-mail.

  70. Thanked plaid on facebook.

  71. I follow plaid on twitter.

  72. I would use the stencils to make a tray and also on mache boxes. I love getting your e-mails!
    Thank you for the great giveaways.

  73. Fun giveaway .. thank you for hosting the contest!

  74. I’d use the hearts to paint on a flower pot. The leaf one for a rug.

  75. I Like Plaid on Facebook

  76. I like!

  77. I would try first to etch using them. If it worked I would etch a vase with the leaves and maybe a glass plate.

  78. I would decorate a journal with them. It would be perfect.

  79. I would use these stencils to decorate some furniture and make wall art.

  80. I follow Plaid Enterprises on Twitter.

  81. I like Plaid on FB and left a comment.

  82. I subscribe to Paint Me Plaid.

  83. I LIKE you on Facebook.

  84. I would use the bird stencil on the bare wall in my bathroom and the others on wood projects.

  85. Lovely stencils! So many uses! I would use for wall hangings, mixed media art, decorating furniture and books and would love to incorporate the leaf design as a wall stencil.

  86. I see using these on re-furbished wood furniture and other wood crafts.

  87. I would like to make wall hangings with these and also use the hearts on the back of my fathers antique chair, it would be amazing.

  88. I liked you on fb.

  89. I see some beautiful spring jewelry boxes or storage containers and decorated photo boxes and cards.

  90. I love birds and hearts, so these are great stencils plus the leaf is very pretty, too. I have several wood pieces that I want to stencil which would look lovely using these stencils.

  91. I would love to use the Bird stencil on my craft room wall!

  92. I see some beautiful spring jewelry boxes or storage containers and decorated photo boxes and cards

  93. Liked Plaid on facebook

  94. I see some beautiful spring jewelry boxes or storage containers

  95. I see some beautiful spring jewelry boxes!

  96. I will probably use the stencils on a plain t-shirt

  97. I am subscribed to Paint Me Plaid.

  98. I follow Plaid on Twitter.

  99. I like Plaid on Facebook.

  100. I could definitely use these stencils in my art journal, and I’d use the bird stencil to make a piece of art for my bedroom. Thanks for the giveaway!

  101. I Liked Plaid on Facebook

  102. I would use these products to create artwork to display in my home. I especially love the lacy hearts. They would be a great design addition to my home. They look so great! I would love to win! *fingers crossed*

  103. I would use these products to create artwork for my home. I especially love the lacy hearts. They would be a great design addition to my home. They look so great! I would love to win! *fingers crossed*

  104. I would use these products to create artwork for my home. I especially love the lacy hearts. They look so great! I would love to win! *fingers crossed*

  105. I would use these products to create artwork for my home. They look so great! I would love to win! *fingers crossed*

  106. I would use these products to create artwork for my home. They look so great!

  107. I would use these products to create artwork for my home.

  108. What a wonderful giveaway! I would definitely use these stencils, along with my Plaid paints to create journal backgrounds, watercolor paintings and gourd art! Wow, thank you!

  109. I would use the large bird stencil on a flower pot. I would add berries and possibly small flowers to the branches. This design would go all around the clay pot that I would first perhaps paint using outdoor linen.

  110. I would think these stencils would be great for all sorts of crafing design. The bird is a picture of it’s own the heart of lace could be used alone or as a background and the leaf is perfect for botanicals.

  111. I think I would make a canvas print for the front room, Nice black and white of some interesting colors. I really like the large bird and the leaf. I have all nature decor and the would be a great accent. Thanks for the chance to win.

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