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Archive for February 19th, 2013

February 19, 2013

All The Rage: DIY Furniture

DIY furniture projects are all the rage right now. Everywhere we look, we are constantly discovering cool and unique furniture projects. While upcycling or furniture crafting is nothing new, more and more people are definitely beginning to gravitate towards it. Crafting with furniture enables you to transform items and personalize them to your exact taste. Often times it is hard to find exactly what you are looking for, so you have to revamp/re-do several furniture pieces. In case you are stumped on how you can revamp furniture, below are a few suggestions.

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February 19, 2013

Tuesday Tutorial: Funky Stenciled Chair

Add some character to chairs in your home, by adding a cool design. Here is a fun and funky chair, created with FolkArt stencils and acrylic colors. This chair was once just a basic black wooden chair, and now it is a stylish home décor piece. The Plaid creative team designed this funky-stenciled chair. One of the easiest ways to add some creativity to any piece of furniture is to add a stencil design. This technique is not hard to recreate and is perfect for a beginner. So what are you waiting for? Take a chair, or another basic looking furniture item and start crafting. Find all the supplies you will need below, and click here to see the complete instructions.

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