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Super Last Minute FolkArt Paint Valentine By Handmade Charlotte

Valentines Day is here and we have your awesome handmade valentine all lined up! Yes, you can still whip up something really special in just a couple of minutes! We are giving you the free printable to make it happen. You will look like a crafting super star with just a few easy steps and a couple of simple items from the craft store. This easy and quick project is so cool looking and is completely fail proof. Check out the supply list and simple instructions to get started!

Supply List

FolkArt Paint
Free Printable That You Can Find Here
Glue Stick
Dowels or Sticks From The Yard
Plaid Paint Brushes


You will need to print out the printable on your choice of card stock. You will them use your painters masking tape to tape of your dowels. Don’t stress out this is really easy. Get your FolkArt paint out and evenly paint between your masking tape. You’ll want to re-peat the last step with several different FolkArt paints. Next, you will paint directly on top of the sentiments that are printed on the card stock. Use a tiny Plaid brush and you’ll get the detailed look your looking for. Your last step will be using your glue stick and scissors to make the feathers and cutting out the shapes from the printed templates.

You’re done and you’ll get extra hugs for all of your awesome effort this Valentines Day!

Rachel Faucett
Handmade Charlotte

One Comment to “Super Last Minute FolkArt Paint Valentine By Handmade Charlotte”

  1. DO you have a picture of the completed project? I’m not sure what it is that’s being made or what it’s supposed to look like just by reading the tutorial…

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