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Archive for February 11th, 2013

February 11, 2013

Apple Barrel Paint Giveaway

Welcome back from the weekend, and we are here to brighten up your Monday, by announcing a new craft giveaway. This week we’re are giving away several bottles of Apple Barrel paint. Made from the purest ingredients, Apple Barrel Colors provide premium performance on wood, Styrofoam, paper mache, tin, terra cotta, wood and any porous surface. It comes in a rainbow of clean colors in traditional matte finish and gloss that’s great for outdoor projects, too. Moms love it for kids’ projects, thanks to its non-toxic, waterbase formula. We are giving away an assortment of 5 Apple Barrel colors to 2 lucky Paint Me Plaid blog readers.

To enter this giveaway all you have to do is leave a comment below telling us what kind of project you would use these products to create. For extra entries (leave a separate comment for each):

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to Paint Me Plaid

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The contest will end Friday February 15th, 2013 at 12 noon EST.

Tags: apple barrel paints, , , ,
February 11, 2013

Make it Monday: Pet Love Canvas Art

It’s Monday and there are only 3 days left till Valentine’s Day. Are you ready? No pressure, although love should be spread everyday of the year, Valentine’s Day is just an extra special day to show the one you love a little extra love. While many of us are busy prepping dinners, and buying gifts for special people in our lives, our four legged friends are often left out. This Valentine’s Day do something nice for your cat or dog, and create something special. Check out this pet love canvas art designed using Mod Podge and FolkArt acrylic paints. Julie Lewis, one of Plaid’s talented designers created this project. With this project you can show off your favorite furry friend with cute canvas art. This is not a beginner level craft, so a little bit of previous crafting experience is necessary. See below for all the supplies needed, and click here for the complete instructions.

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