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Archive for February 7th, 2013

February 7, 2013

Thursdays with Cathie & Steve: Valentine Collage Wreath

There is only a week left till Valentine’s Day. Do you have your gift all picked out, to give to that special someone? If you answered no, no worries we’re here to give you some suggestions. Instead of buying a gift, why not make one? Create a romantic mixed media wreath with Mod Podge photo transfer and embellishments. Cathie and Steve made this romantic project, and no you can too. It is a simple project that will not take long to complete. Once finished either use this as a gift to give, or hang in your home. All the supplies you will need for this project are below, and to see the instructions click here.

PLAID Supplies

  • Plaid ® Hot Glue Gun Helpers
  • FolkArt ® Painting Stencils – Laser – Words/Phrases – Love
  • FolkArt ® Acrylic Colors – Engine Red, 2 oz.
  • FolkArt ® Metallics – Sequin Black, 2 oz.
  • FolkArt ® Metallics – Antique Copper, 2 oz.
  • FolkArt ® Metallics – Gunmetal Gray, 2 oz.
  • Mod Podge ® Photo Transfer Medium, 2 oz.
  • Mod Podge ® Antique Matte, 8 oz.

Other Supplies

Wood heart shape (large), Tape, Stencil paintbrush, scrapbook paper, Scissors, Foam paintbrush, Photocopy of a photo, Sponge, Paintbrushes, Wood tag shape, Hot glue, Rhinestones, Ribbons and trims, Silk flower, Embellishments, Wooly yarn, Wreath base