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Archive for February 6th, 2013

February 6, 2013

Wednesdays with Handmade Charlotte: 5 chalkboard paint projects

Chalkboard paint stands at the top of my list of favorite things! There’s just so much cool stuff you can do when chalkboard paint is involved. We’ve chalked a good bit of our house in excitement! Today, we’ve checked all over and found some of the best tutorials for chalkboard paint projects. All these activities are super easy and a thrill to play with once you’re done. Pretty soon, you’ll want to start labeling everything in your house!


Rachel Faucett – Handmade Charlotte

Chalkboard paint placemat

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February 6, 2013

Web Wednesday: Mod Podge Recipe Valentine Tray

Valentine’s Day is next week. Are you ready for this day of love? If you have yet to begin planning or crafting no worries you still have time. Lucky for you there are several quick and easy crafts you can make in time for this holiday. Check out this Mod Podge Recipe Valentine Tray, we discovered on Debbiedoo’s. Debbie used a dollar store tray, pages from a recipe book, and Mod Podge to create this tray. How cute is this? Isn’t it awesome? Once you’re finished making the tray, place candies, or other small trinkets on it. To see how Debbie made this Valentine Tray, visit her blog here.