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A Mod Podge Fun Pack Giveaway

It’s Monday and that means it’s time to announce this week’s giveaway. This week we’re are giving away a great fun pack of Mod Podge products. The items up for grabs is 1 pack of podgeable shapes, 1 bottle of Dimensional Magic, and 1 Mod Podge Sampler Set. Wouldn’t you like to try out these items on your next craft project? We are giving away this fun pack to 1 lucky Paint Me Plaid blog reader.

Podgeable Shapes

Dimensional Magic

Mod Podge Sampler Set

To enter this giveaway all you have to do is leave a comment below telling us what kind of project you would use these products to create. For extra entries (leave a separate comment for each):

Like and let us know you entered the giveaway

to Paint Me Plaid

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The contest will end Friday February 1st, 2013 at 12 noon EST.

271 Responses to “A Mod Podge Fun Pack Giveaway”

  1. I follow on Facebook.

  2. I’d love to make ornaments, maybe for Easter. Great giveaway!

  3. I think I’d start easy and try to just make a key chain charm.

  4. I’d love to make ornaments, maybe for Easter.

  5. I follow Paint me plaid on Facebook

  6. I follow on Fb

  7. enter me please, liked on facebook

  8. I would make springy ornaments to hand on a banner.

  9. i would make my card board art with scrap book paper =]

  10. I love mod podge. I am just getting back in to crafting after a 1 year sabatical. Mod Podge is one of my most used things. In fact, I noticed I am out and need to go get some more!

  11. I had subscribed by email to Paint Me Plaid.

  12. I have already LIKED Plaid on Facebook.

  13. I would love to try the Mod Podge Dimensionals on homemade cards. What a great giveaway! If I should win this, this is my first time in using this product. Thanks in advance.

  14. I follow on twitter

  15. I am subscribed via email.

  16. I like you on fb.

  17. I would love to use the Mod Podge Dimensional on homemade cards. What a great giveaway! If I win this, this will be my first time using this product.

  18. I have an old wooden chair I would like to do some mod podge on.

  19. I just love Mod Podge shapes and glitter……perfect….:)

  20. I would use the set of Mod Podge products along with colored cello or ornate papers to make ornaments!

  21. I would like to try the dimensional on a painted wood project.

  22. I would love to use on a mini book or altered box.

  23. I like on Facebook.

  24. I follow on twitter as

  25. I Subscribe to Paint Me Plaid

  26. I like you on FB and left comment from Maryann Drapkin

  27. We would like to make some Valentine Decor and cards.

  28. I am a fan of ModPodge in all its forms I think the dimensional magic would be great to add to handmade cards

  29. a reverse glass look?

  30. I would make a dimensional tag book.

  31. I would make a mobile to hang by the window.

  32. I would like to try something with vintage photos! I have yet to try mod podge. Would love a chance to check it out!

  33. Love to do some things I’ve seen on Pinterest

  34. Thinking of something truly cute for Easter to use it on.

  35. I already like Plaid on FB and left a comment.

  36. I’d love to make some things I’ve seen on Pinterest

  37. I’d love to make some stuff I’ve seen on Pinterest

  38. I’d like to make some stuff I’ve seen on Pinterest

  39. The Podgeable Shapes would be fun to make something that would dangle in the sun-light. I have used Mod Podge for both as a glue and finish–definitely a multi-use product.

  40. I “liked” Plaid on FB a long time ago…

  41. Wow fabulous product. Those would be great to add to my wreath I’m making!

  42. My Granddaughter Brittany is expecting her first child (my great grandbaby) on the 4th of July!!!!!! I would use the Mod podge to make decorations for the babies nursery wall and also I could probably use it to make decorations/favors for the baby shower! We are so excited about the baby and this would be a project for Brittany and I to create together.Thanks for the chance to win!

  43. My daughter is already working on her fair projects for 4-H, and we’re going to do a personalized letter for her room and this would be perfect.

  44. I follow you on Twitter

  45. I already like plaid on Facebook

  46. I would love to try some valentine decopauge ideas!

  47. Thanks for a chance to win……………I have so many used for this. Good Luck to everyone. The Scrapbooking Queen told me about the giveaway.

  48. I have been a friend of Plaid Crafts for a long time

  49. I would use this on some new Christmas ornaments.

  50. the dimensional would be great for my cards! Love Mod Podge!

  51. I’m a new reader, follow you on Facebook and love love love your artwork/projects. Thank you for all the ideas!

  52. I already follow on twitter

  53. I would love to win this so I can make some wonderful art pieces for the nursery my sister will be needing soon!

  54. I would use the Dimensional Magic to make some serious cool wreaths! It would spice just about anything up!

  55. I want to learn new ways to use the modge podge

  56. I have loved Mod Modge for years! I’d like to make some art pieces for the nursery my sister is starting for her new arrival!

  57. I subscribed to Paint me Plaid

  58. I follow you on Twitter…..


  60. I subscribe to paint me plaid

  61. I would love to experiment with these products and demo them at my painting chapter meeting.

  62. i would use these products to make some picture crafts on canvas.

  63. I would use the sampler for some long overdue decoupage ideas, and I can see the other two items becoming something in the jewelry category…it’s been a while.

  64. I would make a few ‘Family” wall plaques and a few ones w/ special quotes for a few special people!. Keychains with trhe acrylic shapes or maybe a game for a car ride! Thanks!

  65. I liked you on facebook and left you a message

  66. I would do a wall hanging for my new granddaughter Iliana

  67. New products such as these inspire me to create.

  68. I love Mod Pod…. I would used the shapes and the Dimensional Magic on the canvasses I make… LOVE your products!!!!

  69. Mod Podge Rocks! I can’t wait to try your new things.

  70. I also follow on Twitter! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  71. I’m following on my Google Reader :)

  72. I Love Mod Podge and use it in all kinds of Crafty ways! It’s great for canvas, photos, Letters, Etc!

  73. Of course I’m already a Plaid Facebook Fan <3

  74. I would use these in my next paper project! I actually would LOVE to make some jewelry out of the Shapes too! I LOVE my Mod Podge!!!

  75. I love Mod Podge and I liked Plaid on FB to enter this great giveaway!

  76. I love modge podge. Great for jewelry. I liked plaid and shared. Entering contest.

  77. I already like Plaid on facebook

  78. Different I know but my hubby and I are using Dimensional Magic to make an ice appearance on his train layout.

  79. Just discovered mod podge not too long ago…..and I LOVE it! Love the fact that there are so many crafty ideas to use this product for. Thanks for the chance to enter the giveaway. I already follow on Facebook.

  80. Would love this for kids in Sunday School to make key chains for Mom for Valentine’s Day.

  81. I like Paint Me Plaid on Facebook. :)

  82. I would really love to get my hands on some Modge podge! I saw this really cool idea to modge podge in bottle caps to make magnets.

  83. I “like” Plaid on Facebook. And I’d love to make jewelry with Mod Podge :.D

  84. I want to use Mod Podge to make jewelry!!

  85. Love plaid products!

  86. I want to mod podge my entire house…lol I love this stuff!!! I hope I win!!

  87. have used modpoge on a few things like making christmas glasses decor and cup holders enjoy doing crafts

  88. Never seen these before, but would love to learn to use them.

  89. I would use it to make wooden sign crafts, collage paper crafts, a kinds of things. Love mod podge!

  90. I would use the awesome mod podge products to make some amazing jewelry!
    I follow Paint Me Plaid on Facebook!

  91. I’m a subscriber to Paint Me Plaid!

  92. I like Plaid Crafts on Face Book!

  93. I would love to create some fun Valentines for my family with these products!

  94. This is exactly what I’ve been looking for to use to decorate my wreaths. Also, I think they would make great knobs on a cute desktop piece of furniture!

  95. I think I see hearts in the shapes package so I would make something for my Valentine’s mantel display!

  96. I would use these to make Christmas tree ornaments.

  97. I subscribe via email!

  98. I follow on Twitter!

  99. The Podgeable shapes are so cute – I’d love to make some kind of ornaments with them.

  100. Mod Podge crafts are never ending! I love them! I love to transform ugly furniture into gorgeous furniture!

  101. I am just a beginner with all the creative fun of Mod Podge- but I would Love to win to try to make something for organization or something for my boys rooms !!

  102. i would go wild with the dimensional magic. i would make rings and necklaces.

  103. I’m just learning all the creative fun that can be made with Mod Podge- I’d Love to win to try to make something for organization or something for my Boys rooms.

    I’m having trouble entering it says my entry is too short….???

  104. I’m just learning all the creative fun that can be made with Mod Podge- I’d Love to win to try to make something for organization or something for my Boys rooms.

  105. I’m just learning all the creative fun that can be made with Mod Podge- I’d Love to win to try to make something for organization or something for my Boys rooms- that’s the other fun thing about Mod Podge- it’s great for all ages and boys, girls and everyone!!!

  106. I subscribe to Paint Me Plaid

  107. I Like Plaid on Facebook

  108. I follow on FB!

  109. I would love to make some magnets and coasters!

  110. Anything with butterflies means it goes into my grand daughters room! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  111. Google Reader subscribe.

  112. I would like to make a tray.

  113. I would make some items for a giveaway!

  114. Something with fabric.

  115. subscribed to newsletter

  116. following on Twitter

  117. I’ll use the mod podge to make Christmas ornaments.

  118. Im a fb fan!

  119. I get emails :)

  120. I would make something valentines for my momma!

  121. I would use the dimensional magic to make jewelry and some decorative magnets.

  122. I am doing my daughters cheer comp goodi bags for February, and I,like to add little keepsakes to remember the comps, location, day, this would made cute bag tags.

  123. All of these Mod Podge items would really help me spruce up my little apartment. I’ve been making wall hangings with scrapbook paper on canvas and I’m trying to upcycle framed pictures I bought at Goodwill and the Salvation Army.

  124. Love note jar!!!!

  125. I subscribe to Paint Me Plaid

  126. I follow Plaid on Twitter

  127. I follow Plaid on Facebook.

  128. I would try making a necklace with the dimensional magic.

  129. I subscribe to paint me plaid

  130. I like on Facebook.

  131. I follow Plaid on twitter

  132. I like Plaid on Facebook.

  133. Would like to try new crafting with this, home decor.

  134. I’m a FB fan of yours

  135. I like you on facebook

  136. I subscribe to you

  137. I follow you on Twitter

  138. I can see a springy mobile made from Podgables.

  139. I follow on twitter

  140. Papercraft! I’m thinking of mod podging some paper boxes or ornaments for decoration

  141. Brand new Nana here! I have a nursery to help fill with loving touches, what better way than with handmade mod podge crafts? The only thing better than making crafts for a new granddaughters room … making them for free! ;)

  142. liked plaid on facebook. working on new craft/office area–need tags and containers. modge podge boxes and tags would be great.

  143. I have an old trunk on a stand. I would use the mod podge to refinish this.

  144. I would use it it many ways. I am currently putting together a craft/doll room and would love to decorate some shadow boxes and the shelving to go along with my themes. I would love the shapes to make some ID tags for my different collections.

  145. Jewelry, ornaments, fun stuff!

  146. I would make embellishments for a shadow box that I am working on!

  147. I would make jewelry for my girls. I liked Plaid on FB.

  148. I Liked Plaid on Facebook and I entered the giveaway.

  149. I am Subscribed to Paint Me Plaid.

  150. I am Subscribed to Paint Me Plaid.

  151. I Liked Plaid on Facebook and I entered the giveaway.

  152. I would use this on my altered boxes.

  153. I Followed Plaid on Twitter.

  154. I am Subscribed to Paint Me Plaid.

  155. I Liked Plaid on Facebook and I entered the giveaway.

  156. I would use them to make jewelry.

  157. I would use these products to create some COLLAGES.

  158. I subscribe to Paint Me Plaid.

  159. I think it would be fun to decorate a box with those. I haven’t done a Mod Podge project for a few weeks, so it’s time I did some again.

  160. Need to try some jewelry ideas with these!!!!

  161. I know I could definitely get into trouble with a mod podge sampler pack! I already mod podge EVERYTHING! But w/ so many I might try my hand at altering tins.

  162. I am completely IN LOVE with D.M.! Its a favorite in my jewelry making. I have yet to try the glitter DM but this could be a perfect excuse to add some new items.

  163. I am and have been following on twitter :)

  164. Followin you on Twitter

  165. I would love to create a multi material necklace with the podgeables. I’ve seen it blogged about and it looks so fun!

  166. I would love to create a multi material necklace with the podgeables. :)

  167. I followed paint me plaid

  168. I think I would make some personalized key chains :)

  169. I follow on Facebook have for a long time :)

  170. I Subscribe to Paint Me Plaid

  171. I use Mod Lodge to adhere cloth and tissue paper to paper mache boxes. These make wonderful memory boxes.

  172. Liked Plaid on Facebook and let you know I entered the giveaway.

  173. I would use Mod Podge to cover some clipboards I bought with scrapbook paper and kind of decoupage and distress them.

  174. Oh, a new medium to create with. I’m excited to see what I can create!

  175. I take the front of some christmas cards and cut them to fit the Plaques, then cover them with mod podge.

  176. I do alot of engraving on wooden Plaques and I cover them with mod podge

  177. I have a few puzzles that I would like to hang up and they need first to be covered with mod podge

  178. I follow Love Plaid Enterprisees on Twitter and tweeted about the giveaway.

  179. I would use it to form the crochet bowls I made

  180. I subscribe to the Paint Me Plaid Daily Digest.

  181. I already liked Plaid on Facebook and let you know you entered the giveaway

  182. If I win, I would make some jewelry pieces, some cool tags and use in collage/mixed media art for starters. I love these products. Thanks for the giveaway!

  183. I would use products in an altered book

  184. I like Plaid on FB

  185. I am Subscribed to Paint Me Plaid.

  186. I liked Plaid on Facebook

  187. I have no idea what I would make but I would LOVE to find out!!.,

  188. I’m not really sure what I would make as I have never tried the shapes. They sure look like fun and I’m ready to try them out!

  189. Iam an email subscriber.

  190. I dont know, I think I would use it for future projects, maybe homemade magnets.

  191. I like Plaid on facebook

  192. I would use this to make cute keychains to give as gifts

  193. with the shapes i could do cute labels on my daughters drawers so its easier for her to find her stuff.

  194. I follow on twitter.

  195. for the sampler set its too hard to decide the possibility’s are endless . but it would be fun to figure it out :)

  196. I would like to decopauge a wooden sign for my son’s room, as well as decorate some vases and a few other projects I saw on Pinterest

  197. I Subscribe to Paint Me Plaid

  198. I like you on FB.

  199. I would love to win the sampler set. This is a medium I’ve not tried yet.

  200. I like you on Facebook!

  201. I would love to win this sampler set! It would be lots of fun to make pendants with the dimensional magic as well as magnets and perhaps a mobile type craft with the shapes. And for the mod podge sampler set? Endless possibilities!! Thanks for the chance!

  202. I would make some wine charms.

  203. I would make Jewelry with them, especially the Dimensional Magic.

  204. I would let my daughter use them for a craft to keep her busy on a rainy day or to do with her friends

  205. thanks for the chance!

  206. I follow on twitter

  207. I subscribe to plaid by e-mail.

  208. I already like you on fb.

  209. I subscribe to your newsletter.

  210. I would make vintage hangtags with the items. Great giveaway. Thank you.

  211. Subscribed to Plaid newsletter.

  212. I like Plaid on Facebook and left a comment.

  213. Follow Plaid on Facebook.

  214. I would love to use these products to make pieces for mixed media wall art and home decor.

  215. These items would be used for art for my newly painted home! Thank you for the chance!

  216. Liked paint me plaid on facebook and thanked them for the giveaway

  217. I use Mod Podge on so many different projects. It’s my go-to product.

  218. Use these on photojournals.

  219. I’d make ornaments/gift package embellishments. Ty for the giveaway.

  220. I would use them on a canvas craft I am working on!

  221. I would use the podgable shapes and the Dimensional Magic along with a few of the types from the sampler set for another altered canvas!

  222. Liked Plaid on FB

  223. I love all Mod Podge products. With Valentines Day right around the corner I would make projects for that

  224. I remember doing mod podge with my Nana when I was about 7 yrs old, now I am 54!. We used napkins and made fabulous projects of many colors and prints. Would love to share this craft with my grand gals.

  225. I would make some hang tags for my vintage suitcases! Thanks for the giveaway.

  226. I’m getting ready to redo my craft room and pantry cabinets and would love to use them to give my cupboard doors some dimension and color, that adds that artsy craftsy look. Love mod podge I use it for so many craft and projects.

  227. I love mod podge, I just discovered it in my local craft shop in west of Ireland .
    Was delighted

  228. I follow on Twitter.

  229. Wooden name banners for my girls’ room.

  230. Te dimensional could be used in y jewelry making, my scrapbook pages, and also to add embellishments on the podgeables.

  231. The podgeable shapes would make wonderful wreath adornments

  232. Oh so many ideas… I would use the podgeable shapes for ornaments. Christmas, Easter, and valentines day is just around the corner.

  233. with Easter and spring comming soon, my mind won’t stop with the ideas……..

  234. I have so many vases from over the years, that came with the flowers that I received as gifts from my family & loved ones. I can see me using this prize package to turn them into something extraordinary!

  235. I would use the Dimensional Magic to make more washer necklaces.

  236. I have been upcycling cereal boxes – I use gift wrap in cool colors and would like to try some of the different Mod Podge items.

  237. There are endless things you could use this for! I love this product. I would use it to make Valentine’s decorations. :)

  238. There are endless things you could use this for! I love this product. I would use it to make Valentine’s decorations.

  239. Oh the endless possibilities……. Ornaments come to mind right off :) Absolutely LOVE mod podge <3

  240. I want to create treasure boxes for all my granbdchildren and great grandchildren ! These would be a grat help in my design

  241. I would use them to create the kids chore magnets i have been wanting to make!

  242. not sure yet, but a craft to do with my granddaughter:))

  243. I would use them in my mini albums , mixed media journals , I love to give as gifts !

  244. I need to make a box or book for all of the recipes I get off of Pinterest. Right now they are paper clipped together.

  245. I would love to make jewelry and embellishments with the podge-able shapes.

  246. Diaper wipes cases!

  247. I want to use them to make daily reminder magnets of my favorite sayings.

  248. Fun with crafty projects.

  249. Mod Podge can be used to craft many pgretty spring flower paper projects.

  250. Use the shapes to create ornaments to hang with ribbon on a branch and create a spring tree. Makes a great table centerpiece or fireplace mantel piece.

  251. The products would be used in all kinds of spring projects including mod podge flower vases .

  252. I would LOVE to use these to make Mardi Gras masks! :D

  253. I want to make some Mod Podge magnets and do some art work with some photos of my son!

    Thank you so much!!

  254. i would use it on my altered cigar boxes.

  255. I would use them in my Halloween gifts,decorations and shrines I have already started! I especially can’t wait to get my hands on the dimentional podge!

  256. I’d probably work them on some wall art for my little girl’s new room.

  257. I would use them in my Halloween gifts,decorations and shrines I have already started!

  258. i would use it on my altered cigar boxes and altered composition books i give out as gifts.

  259. Definitely for decorative magnets and COLLAGES! I use Mod Podge products in my studio.

  260. i would use this on my altered cigar boxes and on my altered composition books i give out as gifts.

  261. I would love to win some mod podge to make some decopaged journals & wooden signs!

  262. I love using it for applying papers and fabric to wooden cut-outs.

  263. I would let my Grandkids decorate them!!

  264. I would put them on my Storage Cabinets I just made……

  265. I would use the dimensional magic to make jewelry, shapes for projects with my daughter, and mod podge for magnets/wall art.

  266. love love love mod podge – best thing since peanut butter !! ;-)


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