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Wednesdays with Handmade Charlotte: 6 Valentine’s Day Treats For Your Sweetheart

Valentine’s Day is my absolute favorite holiday. Love, hearts, cupid, chocolate, it’s simply the best!

Here are six DIY projects for you to get started on, so you’ll have something good for your sweetie when the big day rolls around. Happy crafting!

Rachel – Handmade Charlotte

Valentine’s Day Surprise Cracker via Not Martha
DIY Geometric Wall Heart via Oleander and Palm
DIY Valentine Pin via Twig & Thistle
DIY Love Struck Valentine Place Cards via Fellow Fellow
DIY Muslin Bag Valentine’s Day Cards (with Printable) via Fancy House Road
Printable Valentine’s Day Sweet via

2 Comments to “Wednesdays with Handmade Charlotte: 6 Valentine’s Day Treats For Your Sweetheart”

  1. So cute inspiraton, they are all so wondeful, and I don’t know why but I really love crackers :-) have a wondeful day and thank you for sharing!

  2. Thanks for featuring my DIY Muslin Bag Valentine’s Day Cards. I love Plaid products and your blog, I am so honored!

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