By Laura – Rethunk Junk
A popular and growing niche in crafting is repurposing old furniture into new and exciting things. There is someone we know who is talented in this area beyond belief, Laura from Rethunk Junk. Laura is a designer who has a special talent for turning old furniture pieces into beautiful works of art. She recently made this awesome wall organizer out of an old headboard. Don’t take our word for it. Read below how she did this, and see the pictures to prove it. Enjoy!
Wall organizer from old headboard….
Find an old headboard that you can use. Tailor these instructions to your style headboard and your decorating taste.
First chop the legs off of the headboard.
Paint the entire headboard with FolkArt Vintage White #515
Using Mod Podge, apply paper to sides of headboard, I used wrapping paper (newspaper would be cool or any scrapbook paper) piece the papers like a collage. After applying paper to the sides, wait to apply topcoat of Mod Podge.
Mix FolkArt Burnt Umber with water to make a glaze and using a clean cloth, apply to paper to help achieve an aged look. When completely dry, apply a topcoat of Mod Podge to seal.
Paint the center section with Folk Art Chalkboard paint.
Sand the edges of the entire headboard for a distressed aged look.
Using small wood screws, attach a clip to one of the papered sides. Then attach drawer pulls to use as hooks to the other side.
Add an old piece of wood molding to bottom of headboard for finished edge and to use as chalkboard tray. Attach wire to back for hanging and voila!
Now you can hang in your kitchen, home office, or over your desk to help keep track of schedules, grocery lists, kids appointments, keys, dog leashes, and more. The possibilities are endless!