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Freelance Friday: A Plate Full of Love Created with Mod Podge & Stencils

You may not be ready to think about it, but Valentine’s Day is drawing near. On this day of love change it up a bit and instead of buying a heart felt gift, why not make something? If you are stumped on what to create let us help you. The other day we stumbled on this amazing Valentine’s themed project on the blog Debbiedoo’s.

Debbie designed this plate of love using several products from Plaid. Some her supplies included our peel and stick stencils, FolkArt paint, and Mod Podge. This project makes a great gift, and is a nice way to show your love for that special someone. Click here to find the complete instructions for this project.

One Comment to “Freelance Friday: A Plate Full of Love Created with Mod Podge & Stencils”

  1. Thank you so much for sharing! My younger son just noticed this plate yesterday in the kitchen, he had a big ole smile on his face.

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