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Wednesdays with Handmade Charlotte: DIY Toadstool Ornament

Christmas may be just around the corner, but you still have enough time to fit in a little holiday crafting with the kids. This lovely little toadstool ornament fits the bill perfectly – it’s quick, easy, and the end result delivers big-time fun that the kids will love. Not all that, it’s also a darling little keepsake for the memory-box that you’ll treasure for years to come.

Let’s get started!

Tools and materials:

• Cotton batting
• Thin cardboard paper
• FolkArt Acrylic Paint – 932 Calico Red
• Paint brush
• Pencil
• Scissors
• Masking tape
• Needle and thread
• Jar (or something circular to use as the template)
Step 1:
Draw a circle (I traced the top of a small jar) onto the thin cardboard.

Step 2:
Cut the circle out.

Step 3:

Cut out a thin triangle (to the center of the circle).
Step 4:

Fold over the circle to connect the cut edges – this will form a small dome.

Step 5:

Tape to keep in place.
Step 6:

Cut a rectangle from the thin cardboard – this will be the stem. Roll over side and tape.
Step 7:

Flip the dome piece and tape the rolled stem in the center.

Step 8:
Tear the cotton batting so you have a round section and a longer tail on one side.
Step 9:

Place the dome on top of the round section of the torn batting and start tucking in the batting underneath.

Step 10:

After you have the batting tucked under the dome, begin twisting the cotton tail around the stem tightly. When you get to the bottom of the stem, trim if you have a lot of excess cotton and tuck inside your rolled up stem.
Step 11:

I placed the toadstool on a pencil (a toothpick would work great, too) to make it easier to paint. Paint the entire toadstool with white paint and let it dry.
Step 12:

After the toadstool is dry, paint the top red and let dry as well.
Step 13:

For the dots, I flipped the paintbrush upside down and dipped it into white paint.
Step 14:

After everything is dry, take your needle and embroidery thread through the top of the toadstool, cut, and tie.
Happy crafting!

One Comment to “Wednesdays with Handmade Charlotte: DIY Toadstool Ornament”

  1. Super cute! This step-by-step tutorial is so easy to follow. Thanks for all the visuals : )

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