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Tuesday Tutorial: Metallic Ornate Snowflake Gift Tags

Make each of your gifts into something special with these beautiful gift tags. These ornaments were made using FolkArt Metallic Paints, wood circles, and FolkArt stencils. Plaid’s FolkArt Metallic Paints come in traditional and trendy colors. These gift tags can also be used as ornaments, holiday coasters, or use them as an extra embellishment on any holiday craft project. In addition to written instructions on how to make this project, we have created a step by step video on how to make these gift tags. Watch the video video to learn how to create these easy elegant ornaments. All the materials you will need for these tags are below, and the complete written instructions are here.

PLAID Supplies

  • FolkArt ® Painting Stencils – Carribbean
  • FolkArt ® Metallics – Blue Sapphire, 2 oz.
  • FolkArt ® Metallics – Pearl White, 2 oz.
  • FolkArt ® Metallics – Pure Gold, 2 oz.
  • FolkArt ® Metallics – Blue Pearl, 2 oz.

Other Supplies

2mm white foam sheet
Hole Punch
Scalloped pinking shears
3” wood circles
1/8” stencil brush
½” flat brush
Brush basin
Paper towels
Foam plates

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