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2012 Plaid Holiday Gift Guide

Looking for the perfect holiday gift? Check out Plaid Enterprises’ 2012 holiday gift guide. We have compiled a list of gifts that would make any crafter smile with glee. Believe it or not the holiday season is here, and if you need to get a jump on shopping we’ve got you covered. All the items listed below can be purchased on line by clicking the link or the image. These gifts are perfect for any level crafter. Now you can complete all your shopping in one place. So what are you waiting for finish your shopping early, so you can relax with some hot cocoa.

Bucilla ® My 1st Stitch™ – Counted Cross Stitch Kits

Fresh and fun Bucilla ® Counted Cross Stitch Kits are ideal for the beginning stitcher.

Plaid ® Hot Glue Gun Helpers by Cathie Filian and Steve Piacenza

Take the sting and mess out of working with hot glue guns. Our one-of-a-kind set of must-have tools will banish your hot glue woes! Set includes a mat, finger caps, tweezers, a paddle and a press wand.

Bucilla ® Seasonal – Felt – Home Decor Kits

Bucilla ® Felt Home Décor accents are a pleasure to stitch and to display. From delightful three dimensional table-top centerpieces to wall hangings of splendor, this collection is sure to bring the joy of the season to any room in your home.

FolkArt ® Metallics – 2 oz.

FolkArt ® Metallics offer a wide array of beautiful iridescent colors in metals, pearls and gemstone finishes. Paint an entire project or simply add shimmering accents.

FolkArt ® Acrylic Colors – 2 oz.

FolkArt ® acrylic paints have been the choice of artists and crafters alike for more than two decades. These easy-to-use colors boast a rich, creamy consistency with heavy pigmentation.

Apple Barrel ® Colors Paint Sets

Apple Barrel ® Colors Paint Sets are perfect for small projects and gift making. Sets range from 8 to 32 colors and provide an excellent assortment of theme-coordinated hues.

Mod Podge ® Acrylic Shapes – Basics, Flat & Charm

Create your own charms with ready-to-decoupage acrylic shapes.

Mod Podge ® Acrylic Shapes – Designer Shapes

Create your own charms with ready-to-decoupage acrylic shapes.

Martha Stewart Crafts™ Tools Kit

Craft like a pro with Martha Stewart Tools and Brushes. Kit contains: 7 Paint Brushes: #12 Round Brush, ½” Angled Brush, 3/4” Flat Brush, ¾” Utility Brush, 1 ½” Utility Brush, Patterning Brush, 7/8” Stencil Brush; 4 Sponge Tools: 1 3/4” Foam Pouncer, Roller and Tray Set, 3/4” x 2 ½” Specialty Sponge, 1/2” Sea Sponge; 6 Specialty Tops for Paint Bottles: 0.7mm Fine Tip Top, 0.9 Fine Tip Top, 1.1mm Fine Tip Top, 15/16” Foam Pouncer Top, 5/8” Foam Brush Top, 2” Roller Top; Grain Striping Comb

Martha Stewart Crafts™ Beginner Decorating Kit

All you need to get started stenciling at a great price. Kit contains: 11 Satin Paints (2 oz) – Gray Wolf, Spring Pasture, Pink Viburnum, Adobo, Love Bird, Pink Flamingo, Green Curry, Wedding Cake, Poodle Skirt, Surf, Chamomile; 3 Pearl Paints (2 oz) – Fruit Punch, Tiger Lily, Jet Stream; 2 oz Metallic Paint – Sterling, 2 oz Glitter Paint – Peridot, Binder, 6 Page Punched Insert with Instructions and Ideas, Roller Set, 3 Large Stencils Sheets – Cathedral Lace, 2 Medium Stencil Sheets – Rose Garden, 2 Adhesive Stencil Sheets – Leaves, #4 Stencil Brush, Medium Foam Pouncer, #6 Round Brush, Sea Sponge, #10 Flat Brush, 2 oz Brush, Stencil, Tool Cleaner.

Plaid ® TV Kit – Mod Podge Rocks Book and Sampler Kit

Mod Podge Rocks! This sampler kit includes the much anticipated book by Amy Anderson which features 40 simple, inexpensive decoupage projects that showcase the versatility of this celebrated product. Also included are six .44 ounce pots of Matte, Gloss, Sparkle, Fabric, Paper and Outdoor Mod Podge, one flat craft brush and a burlap tote with pocket and clear vinyl back.

Plaid ® Paint by Number

Paint By Number is the all time, tried and true classic painting craft. Beautiful 16″” x 20″” painting kits are available in a variety of landscape and wildlife designs to choose from. These kits feature fine details and with extra colors included, require no blending.

Simply Screen™ Custom Silk Screen Kit

Create your own designs for unique, fun and funky t-shirts and wearables with Simply Screen™ Silk Screen Kit. Simply create a design, use our simple process to create a stencil, choose your paint color and t-shirt and begin creating professional quality screen printed garments. Reusable up to 20 times.

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One Comment to “2012 Plaid Holiday Gift Guide”

  1. Oh you are so right …anyone of these would make a great gift…thanks for sharing….

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