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Wednesdays with Handmade Charlotte: DIY Print + Paint Christmas Craft Time Storage Containers


FolkArt cross stitch painted holiday containers are so easy to create and will make everyone’s Christmas season a little brighter. We’ll show you with a few easy steps how to create this lovely handmade gift. This is a great late afternoon project that gets immediate results–the second you start painting on the stitches you realize how awesome it’s going to be. This holiday project is for the experienced crafter as well as the newbie. This is really easy and everyone on your list will be thrilled to have these fun glass jars under the tree. Print out your free pattern we made just for you! Below you will find all the materials needed, along with their instructions. There are 5 free templates that go along with this project. Click the numbered template to download your copy. Template 1/ Template 2/ Template 3/ Template 4/ Template 5

P.S. We found all of our supplies at Walmart!

Plaid Paints:

FolkArt Brand: 901 Wicker White (2 fl oz.), 2255 Basil Green (2 fl oz.), 467 Italian Sage  (2 fl oz.), 800 Thicket (8 fl oz.)

Other Supplies:

2 printouts of each design of our Printable PDF’s!

3 various size jars (We recommend ones with a wider mouth so it will be easier for you to paint the inside)

PLAID Fine Tip Paint Tops or a White, FINE tip paint pen

Satin finish tape

Paper cutter (optional but recommended) or scissors

Rubbing Alcohol (For cleaning the inside of the jars)

1” – 1.5” Paint Brush


Yarns, Twine, etc.


Step 1: Print out TWO copies of EACH of the printable designs.

Step 2: Cut the paper close to the design and tape around the inside of the jar being sure to get the design as straight and flush around the jar as possible. (This is where a paper cutter can really come in handy, so you can be sure to get straight, even cuts)

Step 3: Using your PLAID Fine Tip Paint Topper and Wicker White paint tube (or FINE tip paint pen) begin creating the X’s around the design*

TIP: Be methodical and figure out what technique works best for you. For example, I found that it helped me to be directional- in any one letter or section of graphic I would work on one-half of each “X” like this / and then come back through and connect those lines in the opposite direction all at the same time. It created nice little connection points and helped me keep my lines straight!

Step 4: Once you’ve completed the outer portion of your work, remove the tape and template and apply a little bit of rubbing alcohol to a cotton round and wipe down the interior surface of the jars. This process will aid in clearing away fingerprints or any other remaining residue.

Step 5: With your paintbrush, begin applying the first layer coat on the inside of the jar with your Folk Art acrylic paint.

NOTE: It will take about 2-3 coats to create a really opaque effect, so don’t focus on a really thick coat at first just get a nice surface layer on there. (We also avoided painting the bottom of the jar).

Tip: Don’t have time to sit and watch paint dry?? Grab a hair dryer and get that paint drying faster!

Step 6: Embellish the lip of your jar with Yarns, Twine, Pom-poms, fabric, etc. The material possibilities are endless!

*Mess up on a spot with your cross-stitch marks?  No sweat! Just scratch it off with a fingernail or use a barely moist paper towel and wipe it clean. Good as new!









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