Archive for August 29th, 2012

August 29, 2012

Wednesdays with Handmade Charlotte: Unconventional DIY Chalkboard Paint Ideas

Have you tried creating craft project with chalkboard paint? Well if you answered no, I’m here to tell you it’s awesome. You can paint just about anything you want with it. I found 5 projects that will inspire you to get out your paintbrushes, and buy some chalkboard paint. FolkArt’s chalkboard paint is pretty amazing! I’ve used it on several projects and find myself painting everything with it. You can use it on paper cups for parties, glass jars for cookies, and even cover your walls with it. We picked projects below that will get your imagination wheels spinning. Happy painting!

DIY Chalkboard Globe

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August 29, 2012

Pinterest Roundup: Creative DIY Laptop Covers

Just in time for back to school, we want to inspire you to get creative with your laptop. This is a project perfect for high school and college students. Prices for retail and custom covers can usually run between $30 to $70. This project is very budget friendly and won’t burn a hole in your pocket. Before you go out to buy your supplies you will need to first come up with a design. No worries we have scoured to show you some possibilities. Enjoy!

Tags: back to school, , laptop covers, pinterest, ,
August 29, 2012

Web Wednesday: Mod Podge Phone Cases

A must have accessories for millions of people is there iPhone. These cell phones are addicting and so many people have them. Not only do people love to use them, they love to decorate them as well. If you can’t find a cell case suitable to your liking, make one. Here are two examples of easy to make cases. Karen from Sew Many Ways created these cases with fabric and Mod Podge. These are awesome and easy to create. Learn how to make them here on the blog, .

Tags: fabric, iPhone, iphone cases, ,