An all year round surface that is great to craft on is a tray. Trays can be used throughout the year, during any season. You can design them to be as creative and unique as you would like. Take this squiggle tray designed by Kindra Boroff. This tray has a modern vibe to it, from the colors and the squiggly lines used. There is a special tool from Plaid that was able to create these squiggles. The specialty tool used is a fine tip bottle topper. This tool allows you to create lines by placing a top onto your FolkArt acrylic paints. How cool is that? Try out this tool when creating this tray. Below you will find all the supplies you will need and the instructions.
Plaid Supplies
FolkArt Acrylic Paint- 2561 Steel Gray
FolkArt Shiny Paint- 2710 Calypso Sky, 2700 Wicker White, 2715 Licorice
Mod Podge-CS11220 8oz Outdoor Mod Podge
FolkArt Sealer-861 Outdoor Gloss
Plaid Tools-30772 Fine Tip Tops
- Base-coat the tray with Calypso Sky. Paint the bottom of the tray and edges with Licorice.
- Base-coat the canvas with Steel Gray.
- Using the tip tops, squiggle the Wicker White onto the canvas. Allow to dry. Repeat with Licorice.
- Mod Podge the painted canvas piece to the bottom of the tray. Apply a top coat. When completely dry add a few coats of the gloss sealer to the entire tray.