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Teaching Thursdays: Snowman Glass Blocks

Want to add a snowman to your holiday decorations? Well we have the perfect craft for you to make. This snowman glass block is so cute, and if you want to you can add lights. This would look great in a large window in your home, or place on a table as a centerpiece. This craft project was created by one of our very talented designers, Sherrie Ragsdale. See below for step by step instructions on how to make this great holiday craft.

Plaid FA Enamel Paints:

4008 Pure Orange, 4032 Licorice, 4001 Wicker White

Other Supplies:

Large glass block, Small glass block, Old sweater, 1 3/4″ Spouncer, 1 1/4″ Spouncer, 3/4″ Spouncer, Small round brush, Paper towel, Scissors
Hot glue, Hot glue gun, Rubber band


1.  Dip the 1 3/4″ spouncer into the wicker white and remove most of it onto the paper towel. 
2.  Lightly dab with the spouncer on both of the blocks.
3.  On the smaller block add the two eye using the 1 1/4″ spouncer in licorice.
4.  Add the mouth with the 3/4″ spouncer.
5.  Add the buttons on the larger block with the 1 3/4″ spouncer.
6.  Using the pattern provided, paint the carrot nose with pure orange.
7.  For the hat cut off a the sleeve of the sweater.
8.   Cut small slits for fringe.
9.  Wrap the rubber band around the top of the hat.
10.  Cut three stripes of the sweater.
11.  Glue one end with hot glue gun.
12.  Braid the three pieces together.
13.  Wrap the braid around the rubber band and glue into place.
14.  Cut the other sleeve off.
15.  Cut the sleeve down the inside of the under arm.
16  Open up sleeve.
17.  Cut the sleeve at its longest point.
18.  Glue the edges to the center of the long strip.
19.  Wrap around the snowman’s head at the bottom and glue into place.
20.  Make fringe at the ends of scarf.
21.  Glue large orange button in place.

18 Comments to “Teaching Thursdays: Snowman Glass Blocks”

  1. What are the two sizes of glass blocks used?

  2. I can’t find the pattern for the nose. Does anybody have it?

  3. Where is the nose pattern and are the two blocks attached if so with what?

  4. You can buy the blocks at Home Depot for $4.98 each but they only have one size. Hobby Lobby has three sizes but are 9.99 each.

  5. What was the pricing on the glass at Michael’s??

  6. There are holes drilled in the large glass back at the bottom and one on the top and a hol drilled at the bottom of the small block, i use a hook to pull the lights through the holes..

  7. Has anyone found the pattern to the nose?

  8. I have started making this for Christmas, so far super easy but where is the pattern for the nose. I got my blocks from Micheals and used Coupons, since I was making 6 of these. They already have the holes drilled out for the lights. I took a 50 count white lights, pushed about 20 of the lights into the smaller one and the rest went in the larger block. Match the 2 holes up and I left the end of the strain of lights coming out of the bottom hole. I used glued called E-6000 that I got at Micheals, let it dry for 24hrs and it held. Hopes this helps other. :)

  9. You can buy the blocks at Michaels or Hobby Lobby with “plug” in them so that you can insert the lights!! Good luck!


  11. How do you get the lights in the bottom and top of snowman.

  12. I have the same questions as the ones above. When can we see the answers to these questions?

  13. Cute snowman. How did you get the lights into the glass blocks? How difficult is that to do ?

  14. how do you keep the small block together with the large block? or do they remain seperate,

  15. Mom, this might be what we are looking for?


  16. Adorable! It says to do the nose using the pattern provided…but I don’t see a pattern. Would you clarify, please?

    • I don’t see the pattern for the nose. Would you please let me know how to get it? Love this, want to try it.

  17. where is the best place to buy the glass blocks? I live near A.C. Moore, Michaels, and Lowes.

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