Teaching Thursdays: Give Thanks Decor

Give Thanks Decor by  Kindra Boroff

Giving thanks is something that we should all do on an everyday basis. There are several reasons to be thankful everyday. I know that it can be very easy to forget to give thanks for the wonderful things in our lives, so here’s a craft that maybe able to help. Here is a great up-cycle craft to make just in time for the Thanksgiving holiday. This is a beginner skill level craft, and it takes between 1 hour to 1 ½ hours to complete.

Plaid Supplies

FolkArt Acrylic Paint: 938 Licorice, 649 Warm White

Plaid Stencil Accessories: 1533 ¾” Spouncer

Plaid Stencil Letter Value Pack: 28872 2” Genie

Other Supplies

6 glass root beer bottles, Masking tape, Twine, Plaid fabric, Dried fall florals, Scissors, & Dowel rods


  1. Remove the labels and the adhesive from the bottles. Nail Polish remover or rubbing alcohol will remove the adhesive.
  2. Using the stencil and Warm White, paint the letters to the bottle as shown.
  3. Cut 3” x 4 ½” flags from the plaid fabric.  Stencil the letters using Licorice.
  4. Cut small slits at the top of each flag on the sides. String the twine through the fabric to create a banner. Tie the twine to the dowel rods.
  5. Fill each bottle with some dried florals and grass. Stick the dowel rods in the bottles on each end.

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