Teaching Thursdays: Martha Stewart Spooky Bats Apothecary Candy Dish

Looking for a place to store some of your Halloween candies? Well your in luck, why not create this Martha Stewart spooky bats apothecary dish? Perfect for a side table, this candy dish is a simple and fun container for Halloween treats!

Plaid Supplies

  • Martha Stewart Crafts™ 2oz Multi-Surface Satin Acrylic Craft Paint – Carrot
  • Martha Stewart Crafts™ 2oz Multi-Surface Satin Acrylic Craft Paint – Beetle Black
  • Martha Stewart Crafts™ Patterning Tape
  • Martha Stewart Crafts™ Foam Pouncers Set – 6pc
  • Martha Stewart Crafts™ Holiday Icons II Adhesive Stencils

Other Supplies

Apothecary candy jar, Water container, Rubbing alcohol, Paint palette, & Paper towels


  1. Clean glass candy dish with warm soapy water, rinse in clean water, and dry thoroughly.
  2. Moisten paper towel with rubbing alcohol and wipe over entire glass surface; allow to dry.
  3. Measure and mask desired widths using patterning tape, leaving front of candy jar free of stripes.
  4. Mask off above and below vertical strips for desired height.
  5. Load pouncer with Carrot and paint vertical bands representing pumpkin sections.  Allow to dry and reapply if necessary.  Allow to dry.
  6. Position bat adhesive stencil in center of jar and stencil with Beetle Black using pouncer.  Reposition stencil and paint a second bat.  Continue until desired number of bats in flight is completed. Allow to dry.
  7. Paint glass ball handle on lid with Beetle Black.  Allow to dry.
  8. Curing Instructions: When dry, bake to cure.  Place glass in cool oven; set oven to 350°F and bake for 30 minutes.  Turn oven off and allow to cool in oven.  Remove when completely cool.

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