Safe Paints

Welcome to another installment of ASK PLAIDIE LADDIE!

Plaidie LaddiePlaidie Laddie, loyal Plaid pooch and one of our blog contributors, wants to answer your most burning painting questions. Every week he’ll pick a question out of his virtual mailbag and answer it (with a little help from me, since he only has paws). This week’s question:

“Dear Plaidie Laddie, I like to paint with my kids, but they’re young and can make a big mess. Do I have to worry if thumb with paint on it makes it into a little mouth?” — Rebecca V. from Illinois

What a great question, Rebecca! Long story short, no! You don’t have to worry. Both Apple Barrel and FolkArt acrylic paints have been independently evaluated by board certified toxicologists and deemed non-toxic. The official seal can be found on our paint labels. While we wouldn’t recommend ingesting any paint — it can’t taste very good — if the kids manage to grab a cookie before they wash their hands after a project it’s not a big deal. Have fun painting and show us some of those great family projects!

2 Comments to “Safe Paints”

  1. Actually, your photo would do well as a watercolor beaucse you could “swim” that tree line into a wet sky and get neat effects.However, I would think the BEST way to handle this picture is to do it in shades of grey with a pencil. Using a soft 6B pencil and a hard 6H pencil alternating the details. The path/road winding up the hill is great. However, your photo is very monotone. There aren’t intensive whites or intensive blacks. Squint at the photo and 80% of it is the same value. It has a neat moody feel to it .which would lend itself best in pencil/graphite. If you choose paints, you have a very high chance of getting a lot of muddy colors that’s why I vote for a black and white pencil drawing. Just my humble opinion! Best wishes .References :

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