Make It Monday: St. Patrick’s Day Leprechaun Mask

Don’t you love St. Patrick’s Day?  It’s almost here!  It’s hard to think of craft ideas, but there are a few good ones – and we’re going to share one with you today.  It’s also a great time to use BRIGHT GREEN glitter!  We had Plaid designer Julie Lewis decorate a $1 leprechaun mask that we purchased from Jo-Ann Stores using Apple Barrel paint.  Gotta love those dollar bins!  This project is great for the young ones and even for adults!  Your co-workers will love you if you jump out from your cubicle with this mask in front of your face.  I promise it will be a big hit!  Here’s how to make a mask of your very own.

Gather These Supplies

  • Apple Barrel Acrylic Paint – Black, Christmas Green, Flesh, Harvest Green, Kings Gold, Leaf Green, Valentine Pink
  • Mod Podge Gloss
  • Glitter – gold, light green, dark green
  • Ruler
  • Pencil
  • Various paintbrushes – #1 liner brush, ¼”, ½” flat brush, #5 round brush, ½” stencil brush
  • Wood leprechaun mask – $1 from Jo-Anns
  • Foam stickers – $1 from Jo-Anns

Here are all the supplies.  Can’t wait to have fun!

Paint mask in colors shown.

Dry brush cheeks with stencil brush (scrub excess paint off onto napkin).

Draw diagonal lines on stick and paint with colors shown.

Outline mask in black – paint details with liner brush.

Apply Mod Podge to areas to be glittered – do one area at a time.  Sprinkle on glitter and tap off excess.  Attach foam stickers and allow to dry completely before using.  Now you have a mask to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day!

Tags: , kids, mask,

One Comment to “Make It Monday: St. Patrick’s Day Leprechaun Mask”

  1. oooh! this is so fun! i love the cheeks.
    i am def making these for the Holiday. p.s.
    i love the festive header ;)

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