Archive for November, 2010

November 30, 2010

Tuesday Huesday: Dazzling Metallic Candles

I’m guessing you are like me and getting a boatload of catalogs in the mail right now.  Before I did this Tuesday Huesday posting on a weekly basis, I simply looked through catalogs and thought about what I would buy if I had a big house and all the money in the world.  I still do the same thing, but now I really notice colors and how they work together.  When I happened upon this ad for candles and holders in Crate and Barrel, I loved the bright, metallic hues.  The shimmery is pretty wonderful, and here are the colors that I pulled out.  They are gorgeous metallics, and just work so well together.

This palette was created using FolkArt Metallic colors (from left to right): Regal Red, Amethyst, Peridot, Royal Gold and Blue Topaz

Tags: , metallic
November 29, 2010

Make It Monday: Stocking and Mitten Garland

Have you ever wondered what you can do with those cute little wood shapes from the craft store?  Sometimes I see them and think about how cute they are . . . knowing that with just a little paint, they could be something fantabulous. . .  but I’m not quite sure what to do.  How about a stocking and mitten garland?  When I saw this I thought, how perfect!  This garland features FolkArt Metallics, and that is what I love about this project – you can dress it up with bling, or you have your children go to town with some Apple Barrel!  Either way, something wonderful will result.  Garlands like this are the kind you pull out year after year.  They provide such great memories.  Visit the full instructions here.

Tags: , garland, , mittens, stocking
November 28, 2010

Gallery Glass Kit Giveaway!

Have you ever tried Gallery Glass?  So many people don’t know what it does, and therefore don’t know how COOL it really is!  Gallery Glass gives you the beautiful look of traditional stained glass but without the high price tag.  No cutting, grinding or soldering, and the paint is waterbase (so you can use it with children).  Gallery Glass is nothing short of awesome, and the Santa ornament, Gingerbread jar gift and Snowmen cling are just a a sampling of what you can do with it. 

Our very own Carol Smith has actually developed a blog devoted to Gallery Glass and it’s called !  Carol has tons of original designs and free patterns so you can Gallery Glass craft to your heart’s content.  She’s constantly updating her blog, and her enthusiasm for glass crafting is hard to deny.  In fact, Carol is donating this week’s giveaway:

TEN people will win ALL of what you see above – seven bottles of 8 oz. Gallery Glass with one 8 oz. bottle of Liquid Leading, and then a Radiant Suncatchers & Clings kit with a book, blanks and a suncatcher!  I guess Carol is feeling generous since it’s the Christmas season?  Here’s how to win.

1. Sign up as a follower on .
2. Leave a comment saying that you did the above on THIS blog post. Tell me what you would do with these materials!
3. Contest will end this Friday, December 3rd at midnight EST.
4. TEN winners will be selected by

Last week’s winners of the Simply Screen Kit were Deborah, Laura, Merriam, and Carla Gray. All winners have been notified by e-mail. Thanks for entering!

November 27, 2010

Saturday Find: Paint By Number Hex Symbol Coasters

I spotted these paint by number hex coasters on Design*Sponge and thought the story behind them was pretty cool. According to Design*Sponge, “Hex signs are a form of traditional Pennsylvania Dutch folk art. They have been painted on the sides of barns to ward off evil spirits, offer good fortune or wish happiness for hundreds of years.”  What a perfect sentiment for the holiday season and the upcoming new year.  You can get the templates and tutorial for painting these at Design*Sponge here; might even be fun to paint these in Christmas colors and use them for years to come.

Tags: coasters, , , paint by number
November 26, 2010

One of the hardest things about Christmas for me every year is realizing that it’s so close to Thanksgiving.  I know that sounds funny, but every year, on the day after Thanksgiving, I can’t believe there’s only about a month til the big day!  I’m sure many of you are shopping this weekend and/or putting trees up.  You may also have time for a craft or two, so I’ve got a good one for you.  Check out this countdown to Christmas chalkboard by Cathie and Steve – the kids can help you with this one!  It uses FolkArt Chalkboard paint, which is so fun in the different colors like red and green.  View the full project instructions here.  Enjoy your long holiday weekend!

November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

We’re thankful for paint, creative crafts and most of all – you!  Eat lots and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!  From all of us at Plaid.

November 24, 2010

Paint By Number as Gift Wrap

Cathe from Just Something I Made never ceases to amaze me.  Cathe is actually one of the people that inspired me to start blogging, and it’s for reasons like the one pictured that I find her to be so inspiring.  Yes my friends, it’s paint by number . . . as gift wrap.  Plaid released a new Paint By Number program not so very long ago, and I’ve been intrigued with PBN ever since.  When I saw what Cathe was doing with some vintage paint by number pictures she found, I was blown away.

I hope you are inspired too – inspired to take paintings and drawings that you create and make copies for wrapping paper.  You could even do a paint by number!  For Cathe’s full blog entry, visit here.

Tags: , paint by number
November 23, 2010

Tuesday Huesday: A Handknit Stocking Christmas

I have a funny stocking story for you.  I have four brothers, and they are all younger (yes, I know, I’m a saint) – we all had the exact same stocking handknitted by my grandmother, and each had our name at the top.  They were all the same pattern, so they were all the same length; my grandmother was pretty consistent in her knitting.

At some point I decided that the size of the stocking corresponded to the amount of gifts received, so I started to stretch mine.  I would step on the toe end and PULL up at the top.  I’d do this every night, and I did it for a few years.  Over time my stocking started hanging way lower than anyone else’s – the only problem was, I didn’t get any more gifts than my brothers.  NUTS!!  My plan was foiled.  It’s still funny to see the stockings hanging up at my parents’ house, with mine dangling lower than anyone else’s.  This picture of handmade stockings reminded me of that time in my life, and it’s a great Christmas memory.  The colors are very similar to the ones in my childhood stocking, so I hope you enjoy.

This color palette was created using FolkArt Acrylic colors (from left to right): Winter White, Calico Red, Bright Green, Holly Leaf

Tags: , , , stocking
November 22, 2010

Make it Monday: Festive Metallic Thanksgiving Table Decor

Thanksgiving is this week!  Did you remember to get everything you need for a delicious dinner?  I hope you didn’t forget pumpkin pie.  That is my favorite.  You may have forgotten table decorations because you were so focused on the edibles, but never fear.  We’ve got some inspiration for you!  Using FolkArt Metallics with a craft pumpkin and a few other supplies, you can create a beautiful fall centerpiece in just a few hours.  Here’s how to do it.

read more »

Tags: table decor
November 21, 2010

Simply Screen Kits Are Here – And a Giveaway!

Plaid is excited to release new Simply Screen kits in select  this week – create your own screenprinted t-shirt or fabric accessory in a matter of minutes!  If you haven’t heard of Simply Screen, it’s a cool new way to silkscreen a design;  it’s easy for a beginner and there’s a lot less mess than regular silkscreening.  Learn more about Simply Screen here!

To celebrate the new release, we’re giving away one of each of the kits you see above: Peace, Rock ‘n Roll, Dream, Skull and Alphabet.  If you don’t want to wait or know someone that needs a great gift, head to  your local to grab one!

1. Sign up for Plaid’s or .
2. Leave a comment saying that you did one of the above on THIS blog post. Tell me what you would do with this kit!
3. Contest will end this Friday, November 26th at midnight EST.
4. FIVE winners will be selected by

Last week’s winners of the second paint by number giveaway was Lisa Martin. All winners have been notified by e-mail. Thanks for entering!